The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Saturday

‘I find it scary how important social media is for girls’

Body confidence campaigner and plus-size model Jada Sezer tells Maria Lally that parents need to be aware of the many pitfalls of Instagram


hen she was growing up, Jada Sezer never gave her looks much thought: “My mother didn’t wear make-up and she wasn’t bothered by fashion. And my father encouraged us to read, swim and take our bikes to the park for as long into our teenage years as possible,” she tells me when I meet her for a coffee at The Daily Telegraph offices.

“As a result, I was never one of those prim, pretty, put-together girls you see posting flawless selfies online. And I’m so grateful for that.”

Six years ago, Sezer, now 29, was studying for a master’s in child psychother­apy when she began displaying photograph­s of herself on Instagram: “During my studies, I was drawn to why young people feel the way they do and the role that advertisin­g – with all its shiny, perfect images – played. I’m a size 16 to 18 and I love fashion, so I used to hunt out these great pieces that fitted my body shape. I wanted to use Instagram as a tool to show young girls – like my young nieces – that you can look good whatever shape your body is.

“This was before the body positivity movement had really taken off, and a few of my posts went viral. I was then asked to be the face of the first-ever plus-size show at London Fashion Week.

“After that, I was approached by several model agencies and lived in New York for a while, modelling for Teen Vogue and Asos. From there I got a contract with L’Oreal [she’s a part of their We Are All Worth It campaign]. I figured I could reach more young people from inside these brands, working with them to help change their perception­s of beauty.”

Using her experience from her studies, and her social media status (she has more than 200,000 Instagram followers), Sezer has since worked with The Prince’s Trust on a campaign helping young people improve their selfesteem. She has also worked with YoungMinds, the charity that supports young people with mental health problems and their families, which is one of the charities in the Telegraph’s Christmas appeal.

“YoungMinds is such a fantastic charity and their website breaks down a lot of the issues faced by young people and offers their parents advice on how to deal with them. Through them, I’ve worked with young people who have eating disorders and body dysmorphia. They don’t feel adequate being who they are.

“When people grow up, the message they receive is how to enhance their beauty. I think it’s different when you are older: I love fashion and make-up now, but I feel privi- leged I didn’t care too much when I was younger. If girls get wrapped up in this stuff too young, their self-esteem becomes entwined with how they look.

“During my work with The Prince’s Trust, we found that the crux of good self-esteem is doing what you love. So I ask my nieces to find their ‘why’. Why do they want to do something? Why do they love something? So many young people think they want to be an Instagramm­er with a million followers or be famous. But why? Ask them what they think this will bring them? It’s hard to answer. But if you asked me why I loved swimming or art when I was younger, I could tell you. I also love exercise, but not because I want to look like a fitness star on Instagram. That’s not my why. I exercise because I love the way it makes me feel. I do hot yoga when I’m stressed and I love the team spirit of running with friends.”

Last April, Sezer ran the London Marathon with Telegraph columnist Bryony Gordon, both in their underwear. “I didn’t think somebody with my body shape could run a marathon, but with all the rolls, cellulite and stretch marks, we did it. And we wanted to show young girls that fit bodies come in all shapes and sizes.”

Despite admitting to spending “half my life” on Instagram, Sezer is frank about the effects social media has on young people’s body image: “I came of age before social media became a really big thing among young girls. And I find it really scary just how important it is for teenage girls to look put-together at all times.

“But social media isn’t going anywhere, so parents need to find ways to help their child navigate it. I stop and check in regularly with Instagram: am I feeling good about the stuff I’m seeing and following? Sometimes, a stream of perfect posts can be a trigger. So get your child to check in with how their feed makes them feel.

“What these posts are doing is subconscio­usly telling you you’re not good enough. And if you’re feeling bad about yourself to begin with, they exacerbate those feelings. I take regular breaks from social media, sometimes for the whole weekend. And instead of waiting for likes, I’m around people who really care about me. Nothing boosts self-esteem and body image like being around your friends or family, laughing and interactin­g.

“Encouragin­g your daughter to form close friendship­s will also be good for her body image and selfesteem: I formed deeprooted friendship­s in my early teens and that’s where most of my good friends today come from. We gravitated towards each other and I loved them for their loyalty and kindness. It wasn’t about being the cool girls, and we didn’t talk about make-up, but rather music and books.”

She says that body image shouldn’t be tied to size, so much as acceptance: “I’m a size 16-18 and busty, some women are thin, some are tall. It’s about embracing all body types, rather than arguing that one type of beauty is better. We should teach our girls not to be apologetic about their bodies, whatever shapes they come in.”

Sezer says she’ll probably return to her first love, child psychother­apy, eventually. “The best thing a parent can give their child is confidence. With kind words and guidance, you have the ability to reshape their whole outlook and give them the tool kit they need to navigate things like the pressure of social media, bullies and self-doubt.

“I can’t wait to be a mum. And I’ll make sure my kids get the message my parents gave to me: that’s it OK to be you. Just as you are.”

For more informatio­n about YoungMinds, visit uk. To make a donation to the Telegraph’s Christmas Charity Appeal, visit charity, call 0151 284 1927 or see the coupon below.

Jada Sezer is launching a self-help podcast, Unsubscrib­e, this year.

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 ??  ?? CHANGING ATTITUDES Jada Sezer is an ambassador for YoungMinds, main; withcolumn­ist Bryony Gordon
CHANGING ATTITUDES Jada Sezer is an ambassador for YoungMinds, main; withcolumn­ist Bryony Gordon

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