The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Saturday

‘I didn’t know what I was getting into’

Elise Downing embarked on a 5,000-mile run without a plan, she tells Boudicca Fox-Leonard


If things had been going better in her life, Elise Downing doubts she would have ever set off on a 5,000mile run around the coast of England, Wales and Scotland. If she had been in a happier place, it might have been easy to put her brilliant idea on hold; she might have talked about how amazing it would be, without ever quite getting around to doing it.

As it was, the then 23-year-old was a year out of university, lost in London working a crumby job for a food start-up, answering calls from angry customers, paying a decent whack of her meagre wages to live in a flatshare, and in a toxic relationsh­ip with a man she’d met on Twitter a few months earlier.

Small wonder that setting off in one of the darkest and wettest winters in living memory seemed like her best option. “Most people probably don’t remember the storms of 2015 as much as I do, but we had really bad weather. So much so, they started naming them… Bernard, Desmond, just so many storms,” laughs Downing. She is now 28, and with six years of distance between her and the 10 mad months she spent pounding coastal footpaths, roads and verges, she can look back and joke about the experience. As she remembers it now, she didn’t so much run around the UK unsupporte­d, becoming the first woman and youngest person to do so, but “hiked and slid and crawled it”.

Writing a book about the experience has taken her a little longer – it was penned during the lockdown last year and was no less a gruelling experience. The result is an entirely refreshing take on the now well-trodden adventure memoir.

Downing is honest about the fact she is not your typical extreme outdoors type, often stereotype­d – as she puts it – as “white, middle-class men going off to stake the North Pole”.

The one marathon she had completed before embarking on her mammoth mission was done while dressed as a giant Crayola crayon.

It was at work one day, staring at a map, that she got to thinking about what it would be like to do an adventure around the British coast. A quick google revealed it had already been walked and cycled. The only woman who’d run it was Linda Pritchard in the 1980s, but she did it with a support vehicle. Here was her chance.

Downing still can’t quite explain why she thought she was capable of such an achievemen­t. “I was clearly very unqualifie­d.” Like many life decisions, though, it had to do with moving on from a relationsh­ip. In her case, a man called Greg (not his real name) whom she’d met at an adventure festival a few months earlier, and then connected with on social media. Their on/off relationsh­ip mostly consisted of her asking to see him and him responding that she was needy.

However, he did give her a thirst for adventure. “Greg was really interested in this stuff and would talk about all these people doing adventures.”

Part of her, she admits, wanted to impress him by coming up with an extreme endeavour of her own. Yet by the time she finally set off on her trip, the relationsh­ip was over. Downing set off with a broken heart, a backpack, two sets of clothes, one pair of trainers and no clue how to use a map and compass.

It’s hard to credit how guileless she was. But when she thinks about it now, ignorance was 100 per cent bliss. “I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Now I’ve done a lot more long runs and I can see it was madness.

“I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I don’t think I would have done it if I’d known.” Downing’s intention had been to wild camp but it didn’t quite work out like that. Instead, a network emerged from nowhere; friends of friends, readers of her blog and people on Facebook. She ended up staying with over 200 strangers over the 301 days of her trip.

She ran an average of 17 miles a day, but it was more like 10 miles in the beginning, rising to 30 miles per day at the end, as her body adjusted. “I was really training on the job. It’s amazing what your body gets used to,” she reflects.

Downing can see now how unhappy she was at the beginning. “I’d told people I was going to do this thing but the first two months were really hard. It was really muddy and wet, and dark by 4pm, and I was still crying about this guy and stressing about not having any money,” she recalls.

Her adventure predated the opening of the England Coast Path and while she would try to run as close to the coast as possible, it wasn’t always easy. She spent a lot of time worrying she wasn’t doing it properly. “Looking back I do feel sad for the younger me. I wish I could give her a hug.”

Thankfully over the course of the year the anxieties started to ease, although the physical challenge didn’t get any easier, and she started to realise she was “actually doing this thing”. “It didn’t matter how I was doing it or if I looked like the elite runners; I was actually covering all these miles. By the time I’d run to Wales, I was like, ‘I’ve run to Wales!’”

Thoughts of Greg receded as she regained her confidence, met amazing people and ticked off the miles. “By the end I felt quite content and it even got to be quite fun. The sun started to come out. I was running down the east coast and all my friends and family started to visit, running with me for a while. It just felt like being on holiday then.”

She finally finished her run on August Bank Holiday 2016, back where she had started in Greenwich. Her adventure complete, she didn’t run off into the sunset, but returned home, first to her parents’ house in the Midlands, and then to London to get another average job. She didn’t run much over the next year, admitting that she had a major case of imposter syndrome, feeling she didn’t belong in the world of elite athletes.

Slowly though she managed to find balance. A personal trainer helped her fall back in love with running. She also moved to Bristol where she could be closer to an outdoors lifestyle. Now, she says: “All my friends are runners, my social life revolves around it.”

Downing talks at adventure festivals about her experience and what she can see now is that the quality she had above all else was stubbornne­ss. She had set out to do something and was determined to finish. However, there won’t be another adventure to top the first. She’s content to be a one-hit wonder.

The run may not have transforme­d her life but it has given her the confidence to know that you can just have a go at something and that you don’t have to do it perfectly.

“I love being outside and moving and how great that makes everything else feel,” she says. “That’s an experience I don’t want to lose, but I know now that you don’t have to go on a 10-month adventure to have it.”

‘Looking back I do feel sad for the younger me. I wish I could give her a hug’

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 ??  ?? BUY THE BOOK Coasting: Running Around the Coast of Britain – Life, Love and (Very) Loose Plans by Elise Downing is published by Summersdal­e, £9.99
BUY THE BOOK Coasting: Running Around the Coast of Britain – Life, Love and (Very) Loose Plans by Elise Downing is published by Summersdal­e, £9.99
 ??  ?? g Elise at Black i Taking a break Nore lighthouse from running near Portishead, j On the South North Somerset West Coast Path
g Elise at Black i Taking a break Nore lighthouse from running near Portishead, j On the South North Somerset West Coast Path

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