The Daily Telegraph - Saturday

Nobody should be damned for the sins of their ancestors

- Antiques Roadshow’s

Antoinette Sandbach is not an obvious target for progressiv­e opprobrium. She may have been elected as a Conservati­ve MP, but she sacrificed her career for the Europhile cause – defecting to the Lib Dems and losing her safe Tory seat.

It has not helped her. Ms Sandbach has been named by a Cambridge researcher as a descendant of 19thcentur­y slave owner Samuel Sandbach, involved in the slave trade in Guyana.

Her position is not unusual. Vast numbers of the middle classes have connection­s to colonialis­m in some form – be it great-grandparen­ts who worked on the other side of the world or the odd item of inherited indigenous art tucked away in a cupboard that we now learn from the experts is bang on trend.

I recall a relative telling me that my Belgian family made money from shares in a company with connection­s to the Congo, but that all of it was lost. I’m glad, given the notorious history of the Belgian Congo.

Others, too, suffer from what might be called colonial guilt. The BBC journalist Laura Trevelyan was so affected by learning that her Trevelyan ancestors owned more than 1,000 slaves on the Caribbean island of Grenada that she gave up her job to become a full-time slavery reparation­s campaigner and pledged £100,000 to make amends. Descendant­s of John Gladstone, father of the Victorian prime minister, William, have apologised for his slaveholdi­ng past and pledged to fund research into slavery in Guyana.

Note, though, that the Trevelyans and Gladstones willingly stepped into the fray over the consequenc­es of what William Gladstone, once a defender of his father’s business, later called “the foulest crime in history”.

Ms Sandbach’s case is different. It can only be described as outing – naming and shaming people for what their ancestors did.

She has made clear that she is supportive of PhD history student Malik Al Nasir’s work investigat­ing slavery. Ms Sandbach has issued what she called “an apology to all the descendant­s of the enslaved”. But she objects to being publicly mortified for the past in which she played no part. Ms Sandbach says this is an issue about her privacy; Al Nasir says that she wants his work censored.

As a historian, Mr Al Nasir is right to defend his freedom to delve into the past, as is his university, no matter what uncomforta­ble evidence he might uncover. But he went much further than writing for an academic journal, in which he mentioned the descendant­s of William Sandbach. He presented his findings in a Ted talk. In effect, he turned his talk into a wanted poster, featuring Antoinette Sandbach.

The backers of Mr Al Nasir’s naming and shaming are rather like the writers of the Book of Exodus: “...the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children, even unto the third or fourth generation.” But I prefer another verse from the Book of Ezekiel: “The child will not share the guilt of the parent.”

That’s certainly an approach we usually take to those descended from those who committed past wrongs. If you had a grandfathe­r, say, who killed several people through an arson attack, you might tell a descendant of the fire’s victims about it, but you are under no obligation to do so. We have the policy of spent conviction­s for some crimes, so that someone who has committed an offence in the past eventually need not inform the authoritie­s of it. What the offender has done passes into history. And Antoinette Sandbach is not even the offender here.

In recent times, there have been marked successes in seeking reparation for terrible wrongs; the cases of great works of art, stolen by the Nazis, being given back to Jewish families come to mind. But the desired reparation in this case seems simply to make Ms Sandbach squirm, not to have what was taken handed back. She and a slave owner might share the same name but it was not done in her name. We cannot make good the awfulness of actions in the past by attacking those in the present.

 ?? ?? The Atlantic slave trade was a brutal and obnoxious business, but those alive today are not responsibl­e
The Atlantic slave trade was a brutal and obnoxious business, but those alive today are not responsibl­e
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