The Daily Telegraph - Saturday

Burping might seem rude – but it’s actually good for you

Stomach groaning after your festive binge? Follow David Cox’s six tips for good digestion


Burping is widely regarded as the ultimate in bad manners at the Christmas dinner table. In fact, burping serves an essential purpose – expelling air that has built up in the upper part of the stomach. But a small number of people actually find it impossible to release gas trapped in the digestive tract, making the festive season an especially painful time of year.

Known medically as retrograde cricophary­ngeus dysfunctio­n or “no burp syndrome”, the condition can lead to loud gurgling noises along with excessive flatulence after eating and drinking. The best form of treatment is thought to be injecting Botox into the throat muscles.

For the rest of us, here are six slightly more convention­al steps which can help avoid discomfort – not to mention any indigestio­n-related faux pas at Christmas.

Graze rather than feast

The typical festive convention is to gorge ourselves with a handful of supersized meals. Many of us may have experience­d a Christmas Day where we eat relatively little before indulging in one enormous lunch midway through the afternoon.

According to Dr Megan Rossi, a nutrition researcher at King’s College London who posts on Instagram as @thegutheal­thdoctor, it is healthier to consume multiple smaller-sized meals throughout the day rather than a single giant feast.

“That can overwhelm our digestive capacity leading to loose stools and bloating,” she says. “You can still have the same amount of food, but just break it up because there are digestive limits particular­ly on things like fructose or fruit sugar.”

Avoid Buck’s fizz on an empty stomach

When it comes to the morning of the big day, it might be tempting to get stuck straight into the bubbly. But your GP would rather that you at least had a small amount of food beforehand.

“Ideally, you don’t want to be having alcohol too early in the morning on an empty stomach,” says Dr Semiya Aziz, an NHS and private GP, who is the founder of Say GP. “Hydrate beforehand with water and eat a light meal to avoid the intense effects of alcohol. Alcohol relaxes the lower oesophagea­l sphincter, increasing the chances of reflux and excess acid.”

No food for three hours before bed

Christmas is a time of indulgence, but if you can, try to avoid those turkey sandwiches before bed, especially if you’re prone to digestive issues.

“We know that as we go to sleep, our digestion slows down,” says Rossi. “So the food can get stuck in your gut for longer, and that could lead to greater pressure that builds up and pops open the trapdoor that connects the gut and stomach with the oesophagus, and that can lead to things like reflux in the evening.”

Don’t eat too quickly

When you’re eating Christmas lunch, try and make your food last for a little longer rather than devouring it swiftly. Studies have actually found that taking more time to chew your food can improve the rate at which you absorb the nutrients, which reduces the risk of digestive problems.

“I’ve read that you should aim to chew at least 32 times,” says Aziz. “I would say that’s a bit far-fetched but having these whole lumps [of food] is not beneficial. Chewing enough so you’ve got a good mushy texture before you swallow, that would help digestion too.”

Take antacids

If you do regularly suffer from indigestio­n or you know that certain common Christmas foods tend to irritate your stomach, Aziz

‘It is healthier to consume multiple smaller-sized meals than a giant feast’

recommends getting an over-thecounter antacid. These are medicines which come in liquid or tablet form that help neutralise the acid in the stomach to relieve symptoms such as heartburn.

“There are products such as Gaviscon or Rennie which you don’t need a prescripti­on for, and you can have first thing in the morning to possibly help lighten any digestive issues,” says Aziz.

Eat something plain

Finally, another pragmatic option is simply to give your body a slight break from all the spice and fizz and consume one very plain meal each day.

“During the Christmas period, you’re having all the herbs and spices, lots of fats, fried-up foods, and we wouldn’t normally have all of that,” says Aziz. “We’ve got natural acid in our stomach anyway, and it’s intensifyi­ng it. So eating something sensible, like a fairly bland or regular meal, would help your digestive process.”

 ?? ?? Oops: burping may be a no-no unless you’re a baby but it serves a real purpose
Oops: burping may be a no-no unless you’re a baby but it serves a real purpose
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