The Daily Telegraph - Saturday

Pope Francis so ‘dazzled’ by young woman he nearly abandoned plan to become priest

- By Nick Squires in Rome

POPE FRANCIS was so “dazzled” by a girl as a young man that he struggled to pray and nearly gave up his plans to become a priest, he said in a new autobiogra­phy.

His infatuatio­n with the young woman almost deprived the Catholic Church of its first pontiff from the Americas and the first Jesuit pope.

In the book, the Argentinia­n pope, 87, reveals that he met the girl at the wedding of one of his uncles. She was “so beautiful and intelligen­t (that) she turned my head,” he said in Life: My

Story Through History, which will be published next week.

“For a whole week I had an image of her in my head and I found it difficult to pray. Then fortunatel­y it passed, and I dedicated soul and body to my vocation,” he said.

It is not the first time that the Pope has revealed the teenage infatuatio­n. In an interview in 2012, a year before he was elected Pope, he said he had been “bowled over” by the young woman’s “beauty (and) intellectu­al brilliance”.

Such was the impact of the encounter, that he struggled to return to his studies for the priesthood.

“I kept thinking and thinking about her. When I returned to the seminary after the wedding, I could not pray for over a week because when I tried to do so, the girl appeared in my head. I had to rethink what I was doing,” he said.

At that point, he could have thrown in the towel and turned his back on the Church altogether. He said: “I was still free because I was a seminarian, so I could have gone back home and that was it. I had to think about my choice again. I chose again – or let myself be chosen by – the religious path.”

He said that it would have been “abnormal for this kind of thing not to happen,” because he was a teenage boy like any other, albeit one destined one day to lead the Roman Catholic Church.

Despite his brush with romance as a young man, he has upheld the rule that Catholic priests should be celibate.

Earlier in his papacy, he appeared cautiously open to the idea of dropping the mandatory celibacy requiremen­t.

But more recently he ruled against allowing married men to be ordained, maintainin­g that the life of a priest should be devoted exclusivel­y to God and his congregati­on, without the distractio­n of a family.

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