The Daily Telegraph - Saturday

Ovo incompeten­ce


SIR – I too am having an ongoing problem with Ovo (Letters, March 15).

My husband died in December 2022, and since then I have received no payments for the electricit­y that our photovolta­ic cells have been generating. These were installed in 2015, when our energy supplier was SSE. My husband regularly read the meter, registerin­g the amount of energy generated and sending the readings to SSE. Occasional­ly someone came from the company, so there was real human contact. We were satisfied with the payments we received under the original feed-in tariff.

Since the migration to Ovo, however, I have had one frustratio­n after another. The first battle was to get the ordinary account for gas and electricit­y put into my own name. The second is to establish that I am the owner of the PV cells. Ovo asked for copies of official documents relating to my husband’s death, which I tried to send online – but, like many people my age (89), I find this far from easy. Eventually, after getting nowhere, I sent all the informatio­n by registered post to the head office in Bristol. I checked with Royal Mail and this package was received and signed for. As no written acknowledg­ment came from Ovo, I sent the informatio­n again, and again it was received and signed for – but still no progress.

In February I sent a formal complaint to Ovo. A reply came straight back to say it was unable to “access the documents”, and I need to fill in the online form and send copies yet again. Clearly it is a chaotic office.

Eileen V Lovell

Wolsingham, Co Durham

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