The Daily Telegraph - Saturday

‘It’s about power, control and a lack of democracy’

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growing threat of Reform UK and those who believe the only way to remain electable is to occupy the centre ground.

Applicants who have spoken to

describe those in charge of the selection process as “yellow Tories” whose preference is for candidates largely indistingu­ishable from Liberal Democrats. They describe a clear antiBrexit bias among those who interview applicants and complain that rather than being grilled on Conservati­ve values, they are asked multiple questions about promoting diversity.

CCHQ is in charge of the approved candidates list, with a handful of people wielding immense control over who is accepted and who is rejected.

Among those who would like to be a Tory MP is Lord Frost, the former Brexit negotiator, who has made it clear he would renounce his peerage to sit in the Commons. Although he has not made any public comment, understand­s he has been blocked from applying for seats in the Commons. Lord Frost is a critic of the party’s policy direction under the Prime Minister, and one Sunak loyalist suggested he was not being considered because “he is a member of the House of Lords who is also trying to remove the Party leader”.

David Campbell Bannerman, a former Conservati­ve MEP who has been on the approved list of candidates since 2019, says he is being blocked from progressin­g to the long list for any particular seat “because I wasn’t being nice enough about Rishi Sunak”.

He said: “It is happening to a whole range of good candidates. It’s all about power and control and a lack of democracy letting the people down.”

A CCHQ source said: “These claims have no basis in fact. It’s obviously a bit difficult for candidates who attack the party leader to be selected given they will be asking constituen­ts to cast their votes for him to be Prime Minister.

“But the idea that people are not being put forward because of some ideologica­l bent is totally false. This is the PM who is cutting taxes, bringing in major immigratio­n curbs, curbing the excessive elements of net zero and trying to get illegal immigrants sent to Rwanda. That’s hardly some Left-wing agenda.”

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