The Daily Telegraph - Saturday

Bring back Bully, or else! My ludicrous demands

If students can issue irrational ultimatums to our politician­s, then so can I. Here’s a list of what I want…


You may have spotted the 18 demands given by The Muslim Vote to Sir Keir Starmer this week. Perhaps you heard a bunch coming from Issy of Leeds University. The grassroots Muslim campaign’s mandates for the Labour leader are unequivoca­l: grant them or you won’t get our votes at a general election.

They include: “apologise for comments that gave the green light to genocide in Gaza” and “ensure insurance quotes do not cost more for someone called Mohammed”. Meanwhile, Issy was listing her ultimatums on the Today programme: “We demand the university acknowledg­es the genocide happening in Palestine … cuts ties with arms companies that [make] parts that Israel uses to bomb Gaza … that there are no war criminals on campus … that [the university] stand with the student movement for Palestine.”

Issy, or Countess Binface as I call her (the failed London mayoral candidate Count Binface’s demand for a cap on croissant prices being a rather more realistic petition), joins a proud history of Brits making fruitless demands. And it’s time I got in on the act. So here are my calls, from the sublime to the ridiculous. The Government must act, or I’ll stay camped out on my front lawn (until it starts raining and there’s some snooker on the telly).


I require Great Western Railway to switch seat reservatio­n signs on before they unlock doors so I don’t get turfed out from a window and table seat that I’ve smugly settled into on a packed train to the south-west. I demand they get rid of their LED lights and install dimmers (especially during winter when I’m boarding a train after a good lunch). I demand a special freight line for trains so fast ones don’t get stuck behind non-passenger rolling stock. I call on train guards to hand out cash repayments to customers on delayed trains, thus avoiding the unrelentin­g misery of Delay Repay. No one – be they toddler, teenager or pensioner – must ever watch or listen to a device on a train or bus without headphones and there must be no audible volume.


I insist that HS2 stop ripping out ancient hedgerows, publish prospectiv­e ticket prices and buck up and get the damn thing finished. I demand good Wi-Fi or 5G across the rail network so I can look up stuff on Google and not huff and puff so loudly that I disturb those sitting next to me. I call for enough Gs, however many are needed, so I can make phone calls while driving between Wellington and Wiveliscom­be.


Every supermarke­t granted out-oftown planning permission must fund an independen­t bakery within the town and then subsidise the cost of sourdough. Manufactur­ers of cider can only label it as cider if it is made from 100 per cent apples. If their so-called cider is made from rehydrated and fermented imported syrups, then so shall it be labelled. No more gin brands, enough is enough.


I require ITV1 to bring back Bullseye on a Sunday evening, that the Advertisin­g

Standards Authority limits to just one the number of Cinch adverts fronted by Rylan Clark across the evening schedule (I also call on Ofcom to insist he present no more than one radio show, travel programme with Judge Rinder or make one daytime TV appearance in any given week). Broadcaste­rs must flag whether shows are repeats, not just that some shows are new, thereby helping viewers to avoid watching half of, say, Antiques

Roadshow, before it dawns on them that they already watched that episode two years previously.


I demand that all smartphone­s be banned for under-16s. I call on Rachel Reeves to cancel plans to impose VAT on private schools and instead to

incentivis­e parents to move children from state to public schools. I call on all teachers to stop asking “how was your Easter holiday” when it wasn’t a holiday, indeed far from it, it being even harder work as the children weren’t at school during the day. I demand a ban on interactiv­e whiteboard­s and a return to chalk, for school reports to be hand-written and dispatched by post, not posted on a portal or an app.


All pubs are required to stock a decent chardonnay, nothing buttery and sticky from Chile, and a good pinot noir (Burgundy or New Zealand).

Plus, decent wine glasses and pork scratching­s (hairy ones, even better). All restaurant­s are required to have a telephone line for reservatio­ns, tasting menus are to be banned and waiting staff must never point at food when describing a dish placed on the table. On checking into hotels, all luggage must accompany guests to the room, not arrive in the room 10 minutes later, so you have to sit on the bed wondering where the hell your luggage is.


I demand warm, sunny weather between now and October, with rainfall around 5am each morning so as to water the garden and keep the lawn nice.


No stranger, be they builder, policeman, publican or potential friend should address someone they don’t know as “mate” or “buddy”.


Staff are required to not ask if customers have “been anywhere nice”. If they have and they wish to share that informatio­n, then they will do so. Haircuts to be otherwise conducted in silence; it’s the only time one can ever get some peace, so just shut the hell up.

DOMESTIC APPLIANCES No washing machine, tumble dryer, induction oven or fridge freezer must beep at any time, under any circumstan­ce.


All modern buildings must be approved by His Majesty The King and all hideous, grey blocks blighting our high streets must be ripped out and replaced by HM-approved structures.


All hymns sung during Church of England services must be familiar, with well-known tunes and verses (of which four is the maximum). Eucharist must always be sung (especially if the vicar can’t sing), sermons must be theology-based and aimed at adults, not children who aren’t listening, shaking hands when offering signs of peace after intercessi­onal prayers is to be banned and if biscuits are provided after services they should include chocolate Hobnobs.


All British media outlets are to desist from mentioning Prince Harry, be it positive or negative, but daily stories and imagery relating to Dua Lipa becomes mandatory.

All pubs are required to stock a decent chardonnay, nothing buttery and sticky from Chile

 ?? ?? Super, smashing, great: the Government should force ITV1 to bring back the inimitable Jim Bowen and Bullseye to our screens on Sunday evenings
Super, smashing, great: the Government should force ITV1 to bring back the inimitable Jim Bowen and Bullseye to our screens on Sunday evenings
 ?? ??

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