The Daily Telegraph - Saturday


- Edited by Christophe­r Hope peterborou­

No dye for Osborne

Museum boss turned podcaster George Osborne was at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show this week where his strikingly dark hair prompted speculatio­n that he was dying his luscious locks to stave off looking older. “No! I promise. I’d welcome a bit of grey,” he tells me. He can have some of mine if he likes.

Harris’s family tree

Chocolat author Joanne Harris was reunited with a long-lost relative among the forget-me-nots and peonies at the Chelsea Flower Show. The chance meeting happened when Harris received an email from plant-buyer Jill Kerr inviting her to the show to launch a new National Trust rose,

left. “Joanne seemed the ideal celebrity to do the honours of presenting it,” says Kerr. The pair worked out they were cousins. Harris says: “Our grandmothe­rs were sisters – I think we have the same nose! But we are a big family living at opposite ends of Yorkshire and had never actually met.”

Power trip

Northern Ireland secretary Chris Heaton-Harris, right, is looking forward to some heavy lifting when he quits politics with the dissolutio­n of Parliament next week. “I do enjoy my powerlifti­ng,” he told me on GB News’ Chopper’s Political Podcast. “I’m in the age group Masters 2, which I think makes me sound like an Avenger. You have to wear a singlet, which is not a sight you want to see on a man in his 50s.”

Heaton-Harris says he can lift 200kg – well over twice his bodyweight. “You are like an ant,” I told him. “All I need is a Dec and I can have a TV programme,” he replied.

If you say so, Chris.

Field sports

Conservati­ve politician­s outnumbere­d Labour MPs at the funeral of Frank Field at Holy Trinity, Sloane Square. The rumour is that former Labour MP Field vetted the guest list which included Tory MPs Sir Edward Leigh, Sir Peter Bottomley and Theresa May, as well as Labour MPs Wes Streeting and Sir Stephen Timms. Field’s aide Matthew Owen told how Field composed letters using “probably the last surviving Dictaphone”. Field was also such a giggly soul that by the time he got to the end of a funny story, the punchline was completely lost.

Losing horse

Not everyone was fixated on Downing Street on Wednesday when Rishi Sunak announced the July 4 general election. In the House of Lords, Tory peer Viscount Astor remarked: “We have all been somewhat distracted by our mobile telephones concerning the next general election. I have been even more distracted by just having received the result of the 5.30pm race at Kempton, where my horse came last. I hope that is not an omen for the future.” As a hereditary peer, Astor has reason to fear a Labour government – he could find himself kicked out of the Lords by the reforming Starmerite­s.

Hello, Louise!

Louise Minchin has lifted the lid on what she said were “bruising and long-winded fights” for better treatment at the BBC. After fighting to be paid the same as male colleagues, Waitrose magazine tells how the

BBC Breakfast TV presenter’s next battle was to be allowed to say “hello” at the top of the show – rather than her male co-host getting the first word in every day. “I was able to dig in and carry on with that fight, which took some years,” she says. “When there was a setback, I just thought, ‘I’m going to carry on with this, because it matters’.” Let no one say the BBC sounds petty.

Dog days at Downton

The family dogs at Highclere Castle are barking with joy that work has started on another Downton Abbey film. Fiona, the 8th Countess of Carnarvon, below, who runs Highclere with her husband Geordie, says: “The old labradors have remembered the form with delight: catering trucks which make lots of delicious snacks. But there is even more: trestle tables with biscuits and sandwiches around teatime. Alfie is quite often missing and usually deaf to all calls, found by catching sight of the end of his tail under a table.” You can’t teach an old Downton dog new tricks.

Sign language

Lots of ideas from readers for a replacemen­t for the Tory party’s oak tree symbol after Robert Halfon MP suggested a ladder last week. Clifford Brown offered a “Snakes and Ladders” logo. Dick Howard suggested a stile because they are “almost unique to the British Isles, you can overcome any obstacle and continue merrily on your way”. And David Miller suggested “an ostrich with its head buried in the sand”. And that was before the PM called the general election for July 4.

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