The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Olesen thrashes Spieth

- Tom Morgan

Having been mocked by his colleagues for being the European team’s only singleton, Thorbjorn Olesen boosted his bachelor appeal yesterday by blasting away world No3 Jordan Spieth.

Last week Olesen (right) was surrounded by the other players’ wives and girlfriend­s for a special photograph as part of a wind-up at the Palace of Versailles.

But the 28-year-old Dane, left out of Thomas Bjorn’s line-up on Saturday, will have no shortage of suitors as the celebratio­ns break out after his unexpected 5&4 humbling of Spieth.

Having raced into a lead of five after a brilliant birdie on the ninth, he birdied again on the 16th to complete one of the most one-sided singles matches of the day.

“I really wanted to play today, having not been there [on Saturday],” he said. “It’s unbelievab­le to do it like this. The crowds went mental.”

Olesen had been reduced to a bit part a day earlier, but spent almost the entire day on the practice range to keep himself occupied.

Afterwards, Bjorn, the Europe captain, paid glowing tribute to Olesen for responding to his Saturday snub in the best possible way.

“This is such a special event, and experience, when you come in with the right attitude it can be such a great thing,” he said.

“It’s been unbelievab­le,” Olesen added. “I played great on the front nine. Holed some really, really good putts and the crowd were mental. It’s been so much fun.”

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