The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Hall at centre of SPOTY storm

Backlash after British Open winner gets 10-second mention and fails to make the shortlist


Catriona Matthew picked up the remote and turned over to Elf, so incensed was she at the BBC’S treatment of Georgia Hall. But for the Women’s British Open champion herself, the Sports Personalit­y of the Year snub did not remove any of the stardust from her incredible year.

Hall wisely decided to keep her own counsel on Sunday’s events, but a member of her back-room staff revealed that she was not upset for herself but rather for the lost opportunit­y to showcase the women’s game in this country. Not only was the 22-year-old excluded from the six-string shortlist, but Hall’s achievemen­t in becoming the first British winner of the home major since Matthew in 2009 was given less than 10 seconds on the show fronted by Gary Lineker, and she was not even invited to speak.

As a humble person who has never craved the limelight, Hall was not at all bothered by being kept in the shadows, but speaking to her last Friday, it was clear she saw this as a chance to grow her sport. “I don’t like any fuss and I suppose I’m like my dad in that regard,” Hall said referring to Wayne, who famously caddied for her at Royal Lytham & St Annes. “I think it took me a month to be aware of what it meant, especially to young females. A British woman had not won for almost 10 years and no Englishwom­an for 14 years.

“You’re not conscious of it at the time, you’re just focused on winning, but now I can see it was amazing the effect it has had and hopefully it will inspire. So many young girls have messaged me and come up and told me they’ve started going to the range with their dad, just like I did when I was seven. That means a lot to me and is something I’m very proud of.”

Hall is not the flashy type, despite a rapid rise in which she has jumped to world No8 and eclipsed Dame Laura Davies as the youngest two-time winner of the Ladies European Tour Order of Merit. All she has bought herself as “a treat” since her near-£400,000 triumph is a ring, and she is adamant that the bright lights of the United States do not attract her.

“I can never see myself living over there,” she said. “I am quite strongly English. This is my home and, living-wise, I just don’t think the US suits my outlook.”

Not that she has spurned the American dream. Indeed, Hall’s immediate aim is to win on US soil and from there conquer the world.

“My goal setting out this year was to win on both Tours and I sort of did that at Lytham because the British counts on the LPGA, too,” she said. “It’s funny because after the Open a lot of people asked if I’d take some time off to let it sink in, but the main thing to me was to prove myself that it wasn’t just like a flukey win.

“In my second event back, I finished second in America and that meant much more to me than people thought. Next year, it’s a big thing for me. World No1 is also on my mind but I know how much work I’ve got to get there.”

Do not be surprised if Hall reaches the summit in 2019 and forces the awards panels to sit up and take notice. What she lacks in bravado she more than makes up for in self-belief and determinat­ion, as all those aware of her story already know. With Wayne working as a plasterer, money was hardly in abundance at the Bournemout­h family home and as a teenager Hall was forced to sit out three majors for which she had qualified. Meanwhile, Charley Hull was driving a blaze down the fairways, playing in her first Solheim Cup as a 17-year-old and qualifying for the LPGA Tour soon after.

“I’ve known Charley since I was 10, played junior golf together, partners in everything, so we’ve always been very well aware of each other and where our golf has been at,” Hall said. “Charley turned pro a couple of years before me and I stayed amateur until I was 18, so I was a bit behind. And, of course, when I was coming through on Tour, I’d always hear ‘Charley, Charley, Charley’. Yet that didn’t bother me at all. I just focused on myself and my golf and I knew that when the time was right I’d get there. I’m sure for the next 15 years we’ll be battling against each other. She is a lovely girl and was one of the first to text me after I won in Lytham.

“The thing is, I don’t really think about what people expect from me. You’re going to have a bad tournament. It’s going to happen. As long as I know what I’m doing and I’ve prepared for every tournament, that’s fine. The biggest problem is my own expectatio­ns. In 2019, I’m going to try to go out really relaxed and not think about what position I’m going to finish and see where I end up.”

The week before her controvers­ial SPOTY cameo role, Hall ended up in Barbados on holiday, and it was there that her new-found fame became obvious. “I’d been recognised in strange places before, once at a bus stop and then when I was at a car dealership,” Hall said. “But it was bizarre in Barbados as I was walking down the beach and this guy suddenly shouted, ‘Great win at the Open’. God knows how he knew it was me.”

If Hall stays true to her ambition, then soon everyone will be hailing her. Perhaps, even SPOTY itself.

 ??  ?? Georgia Hall with her British Open winner’s trophy
Georgia Hall with her British Open winner’s trophy
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 ??  ?? Hit and miss: Georgia Hall was centre stage at the Women’s British Open (right) but not at SPOTY with Gary Lineker on Sunday night (left)
Hit and miss: Georgia Hall was centre stage at the Women’s British Open (right) but not at SPOTY with Gary Lineker on Sunday night (left)
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