The Daily Telegraph - Sport

My fears for kids playing rugby

The death of a young French player should force the sport to ask if it is now too brutal

- Mick Cleary

For the first time in 50 years of playing and reporting on rugby, I have reservatio­ns about encouragin­g children to take up the sport. For many years, I would shrug after a catastroph­ic injury such as afflicted the likes of former England and Leicester prop Matt Hampson, sympathise, of course, but conclude that the good bits in rugby outweigh the bad by a factor of 99 per cent. That position, some might call it naive, is now more difficult to maintain.

On Friday night at Kingsholm, there was a minute’s silence for 19-year-old Stade Francais forward Nicolas Chauvin, who died last week after a cardiac arrest brought on by the trauma of breaking his neck in a match a few days earlier. On Sunday, we stood again, at Welford Road, as supporters had done at grounds all round Europe across the weekend. But then the referee’s whistle would blow and it was back to the norm, huge blokes crashing into each other, monstrous hits, bold, fearless play.

Except that something no longer sits right, a twinge of conscience, perhaps, a stab of guilt at being so unquestion­ing. It would be easy to move on again, to pretend that all is right with rugby’s little world. But there has at least to be introspect­ion and scrutiny if there are not to be more Chauvins. One fatality is terrible enough. But young Nicolas was the third in the French game in the past 12 months.

The minute silences have to be more than token gestures. The condolence­s expressed have to be more than fleeting platitudes. The sport has to work out if it has become too dangerous, too big, too brutal for its own good.

Mercifully, there does appear to be recognitio­n that enough is enough. On Thursday, three senior figures in French rugby, Bernard Laporte, Serge Simon and Paul Goze, will meet with World Rugby grandees Bill Beaumont and Brett Gosper to appraise the situation.

There are no easy answers, no trite recommenda­tions. Rugby’s critics castigate it at any opportunit­y. Ignore clamour and deal with sensitivit­ies. This is about reflecting on what the game has become and working out if enough is being done to ensure that it is as safe as it is possible to be within those 80 minutes. There has to be serious discussion, no knee-jerk responses and certainly no heads being buried in the sand.

The sport, to be fair, has reacted before to safety issues. It has at least started to focus properly on concussion, albeit it took media lobbying from journalist­ic stalwarts such as Sam Peters to keep highlighti­ng concerns.

This is the next step. There was no one at fault in the match in which Chauvin was injured. All protocols were observed, all due diligence practised. There was no foul play involved. And yet, still, a young man died having a bit of fun.

In this particular incident, Chauvin was hit by a doubletack­le. The lawmakers have taken steps to reduce the danger levels at that phase, law adjustment­s which appear to be working. The trials in the Under-20 championsh­ip to lower the acceptable height of the tackle to the nipple have proved positive, with significan­t reductions in the amount of concussion­s reported. There has also been a view that doubletack­les should be banned.

Changing laws can work. French sources tell me that the incidence of serious injury at the scrum has dropped dramatical­ly since the “hit” was taken out of the engagement. The same sort of change needs to happen again.

It will not be a straightfo­rward process. There are other facets in the sport that need addressing, notably the more philosophi­cal one of what we want rugby to be about. A sport of massive collision and eyeballs-out confrontat­ion? Or a sport of guile and skill and sidesteppi­ng evasion? Too much emphasis has been put on brawn and not enough on brain. That needs rectifying.

This feels like a seminal moment for the game. Let us make sure that good things happen as a result.

 ??  ?? Paying their respects: Bath players in a minute’s silence for Nicolas Chauvin
Paying their respects: Bath players in a minute’s silence for Nicolas Chauvin
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