The Daily Telegraph - Sport

What we know about the disruption­s

- by Ben Rumsby

Q Why was the decision made to postpone the Irelandita­ly game?

A It was taken on the grounds of protecting public health due to the spread of the coronaviru­s in Italy, from where around 2,500 fans were expected to travel to Dublin.

Q How soon before we know a new date?

A The Irish Rugby Football Union said yesterday it would “immediatel­y” look into it but agreeing a date in the coming weeks would appear fanciful given the speed at which the virus has spread.

Q What are the options?

A There are no available dates inside current internatio­nal windows this year. Any rearranged game would have to be played either on a weekend where clubs were also in action or during scheduled rest periods. Playing a Test outside the window usually requires the cooperatio­n of affected clubs, although Ireland and Italy have control over most of their players’ provincial teams. The next rest weekend is not until June 27-28.

Q What’s the latest on Italy v England?

A No decision is expected until next week at the earliest but Italy yesterday were confident it would go ahead.

Q And if it does not?

A More chaos. Playing one Italy game during a rest weekend would be difficult enough. Two would be a major test and raise serious questions about player welfare. England do have an autumn Test scheduled for Nov 21-22 for which they currently have no opponent but that is at Twickenham and playing Italy in Rome instead would cost the Rugby Football Union millions. Premiershi­p clubs last night appeared willing to release England players to play the fixture earlier than that if necessary.

Q Would cancelled matches definitely need to be played?

A Even if France had sealed the grand slam, there would be place prize money at stake, as well as potentiall­y crucial ranking points ahead of November’s 2023 World Cup draw.

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