The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Short, sharp Sailgp can take our sport into the mainstream

Exciting global series is live on TV and has huge potential as its second season starts in Sydney


Hand on heart, I am not sure I have ever enjoyed a week’s sailing quite as much as the one we have just had. We are out in Sydney preparing for the first Sailgp regatta of the season, which begins tomorrow.

Anticipati­on is building, sailing conditions are perfect and the setting is absolutely stunning.

Sydney Harbour is one of the world’s most iconic places at the best of times, what with the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge forming the backdrop. But the combinatio­n of that backdrop and these boats? Incredible.

To give some context to non-sailing aficionado­s, Sailgp is a global league launched last year by Larry Ellison and Sir Russell Coutts, using an upgraded version of the foiling 50ft catamarans from the last America’s Cup in Bermuda in 2017. The inaugural season was a huge success, so much so Ineos Team UK decided to get onboard the British entry for this season.

It is something we are hugely excited about. We feel this format of racing – short, sharp, close inshore, in one-design yachts, between national teams, live on television – has massive potential. I genuinely think that if ever a sailing league had a chance of going mainstream and pulling in non-sailing fans, this is it. As a fan myself, I am really excited by it.

Not only that, but as I said last autumn when we announced our entry for 2020, I feel competing in Sailgp can really help our America’s Cup campaign.

I stand by that. Yes, the F50 (right) is very different to the AC75, the monohull we will be sailing in Auckland in 12 months’ time. But it presents similar challenges in terms of having to make quick decisions out on the water, staying within course boundaries while performing manoeuvres and foiling at 40-50 knots.

We feel that sailing in Sailgp this year will really help to sharpen our competitiv­e instincts. And honestly, it is just fun to be back racing again. On our first day of sailing last week, we had 15 to 20 knots blowing in from the south. I was slightly anxious, given it had been almost three years since I last sailed one of these. But I was absolutely blown away.

I am impressed with the developmen­ts made since Bermuda. The control systems have come on, the manoeuvrab­ility has improved, as has the boat’s outright speed. And it can perform in a wider wind range, too.

Some of you may recall that I went on record after AC35, saying that I hoped Emirates Team NZ, as defenders, would stick with these foiling cats for AC36. New Zealand decided to go the monohull route, and to be honest, I think there is space for both in the calendar.

We are certainly excited by competing in both. With careful planning, the two campaigns can complement each other very well. We are fortunate at Ineos Team UK that we have the manpower to cover both. I am out here with Luke Parkinson, Iain Jensen, Matt Gotrel, Neil Hunter and Richard Mason. Of those, only Richard is not also part of the AC team. But he may yet come on board. The rest of the sailing team are back in Cagliari with RB1, our first race boat. Giles Scott is helming it while I am away. Meanwhile, in Portsmouth, our design team is pushing on with the second race boat. We have some big design decisions coming up.

When we get back to Europe next week, we are straight into a six-week block building up to the first America’s Cup World Series regatta of the year in Cagliari in April. After all the time spent developing and building these boats, it is going to be fascinatin­g seeing where we all stand 12 months out from the real thing.

For now, it is all about Sailgp and we cannot wait to get racing tomorrow. Although I did not race last year, most of my crew did and I believe we can be competitiv­e.

It is difficult to say exactly where we stand, because no one has raced in anger yet. It is a bit like winter testing in F1, you are never quite sure whether anyone else is holding something back in practice. The Australian­s are clearly hot favourites. Tom Slingsby’s team won last season and they have not had any crew changes.

But I am not going to say we are racing for second place. We always race to win.

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