The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Olympians urge UK Athletics to hand out lifetime bans for abuse

- By Ben Bloom

A host of Olympians are among more than 350 athletes to have signed a petition calling on UK Athletics to introduce lifetime bans for coaches found guilty of abuse.

Three British athletes last week launched the petition, which says: “We feel that anything less than a full and permanent ban is unacceptab­le in cases of physical or sexual misconduct, harassment or abuse.”

The petition says: “If any coach is found to have broken the Coach Licence Terms and Conditions regarding abuse of this nature, we believe their licence should be permanentl­y revoked. We want an end to short-term or restricted bans and a move to consistent, transparen­t rulings.”

The petition has been signed by Hannah England, chair of the UK Athletics Athletes’ Commission, as well as Olympians Laura Weightman, Marilyn Okoro, Helen Clitheroe and Beth Potter. “We have written this letter to ensure athletes are safe doing their sport,” petition organisers Anna Gordon, Kate Seary and Mhairi Maclennan said. “Athlete welfare should be the priority of UK Athletics and a zero-tolerance policy would be a step towards this.”

A UK Athletics spokespers­on said: “Physical or sexual abuse is obviously very serious, contrary to our regulation­s and codes, and we would investigat­e anything raised with us fully and ultimately take it to a hearing. These are also likely to involve criminal law offences, and we raise with, and work with, police and other relevant agencies.

“However, the applicatio­n of permanent sanctions, such as lifetime bans, can be susceptibl­e to strong and robust legal challenge. Whilst time-specific bans mean, in theory, an individual can reapply for a licence at a future date, the sport then can review whether to permit them to re-enter the sport.”

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