The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Peace breaks out in golf’s Anglo-welsh

Earns praise for revealing lockdown anomaly

- By James Corrigan and Ben Bloom


The bizarre and, at times, bitter, “Llanymynec­h Lockout” concluded in blessed peace last night when the Welsh Government finally permitted the English members to resume playing on the borders course.

As England’s fairways reopened following the latest three-month ban, more than 250 golfers were legally excluded from teeing up at their club, despite some living just 50 yards from the entrance.

The home course of Ian Woosnam, the former Masters champion, was ruled out of bounds after Powys County Council said at the weekend that Llanymynec­h could still be played by Welsh residents but not by their English counterpar­ts. Restrictio­ns imposed by the Welsh Government precluded English residents from crossing the border. Three of the holes are in England, with the rest in Wales, and though the entrance is actually on the St George side of Offa’s Dyke, Powys council felt unable to give official approval due to the guidelines.

“The Welsh members were given permission to cross into England when the Wales Government allowed them to start replaying a few weeks ago,” Stuart Jones, the club’s chairman, said. “But now the Prime Minister has said England can resume, that permission is not being given the other way around. How is that not discrimina­tion?”

The club desperatel­y sought a solution, with appeals directly to the Welsh Government and First Minister, Mark Drakeford. However, these went ignored until The Daily Telegraph reported the story. Yesterday afternoon, a statement sent to The Telegraph from the Welsh Government’s press office appeared to have given the green light. “It would be reasonable for members of Llanymynec­h Golf Club to enter or leave Wales within the confines of the golf course,” it read.

However, Jones was still waiting for clearance from the council. Powys council told Jones it was only there to enforce the law and would only act if there was a complaint.

But with enmity running high between certain of the respective Welsh and English membership­s, there were fears that a complaint would arise. In January, police visited the club when golf was locked down in Wales despite it still being allowed at the time under England’s guidelines. Llanymynec­h pays its fees to Powys council, but is governed by England Golf.

After the January episode, Jones was understand­ably wary and went back to the council yesterday afternoon for official assurance.

“They say they are working with their legal team to try and facilitate a way around the guidance, but they cannot promise anything,” Jones said. Eventually, as the last golfers on the course finished their rounds, Jones received the assurances he and his committee felt were required. “Steffan Roberts, the deputy director of culture and sport for the Welsh Government, has called me and apologised for the misunderst­anding and said that all Llanymynec­h members, both English and Welsh, can cross the border as a reasonable excuse to access the course and play golf,” Jones said.

“I haven’t received the written confirmati­on which I requested, but I have notified the members anyway. They deserve putting out of their misery.

“We are grateful to The Telegraph for highlighti­ng this issue, and hopefully we can put this ridiculous chapter behind us and start to enjoy our unique course once again.”

The English members – who form more than two-thirds of the club – have lost a day, but will be delighted to discover that from this morning they are free to re-indulge in their passion. There will be relief in the club as a whole. The committee had been divided on whether to open, and tensions were escalating.

Fine weather helped make golf ’s English return a joyous occasion. Perhaps Morley Hayes Golf Club summed up the eagerness to get back more than most.

The Derbyshire course opened at one minute past midnight, with players using neon golf balls in a seven-hole charity tournament.

“The starting sheet filled instantly, there was so much interest because I don’t think there are any places in England that do night golf, and we obviously want to try and get in the records that we were the first ones to reopen on March 29,” Andrew Allsop, the Morley Hayes managing director, said.

“Everyone’s out and the tees are booked from Monday morning first light, 6.30am, right through. It’s like that all week.”

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