The Daily Telegraph - Sport

I am ashamed at Liverpool backing these plans

➤ fans will simply not tolerate a plan that places the whole principle of our club system in jeopardy

- Jamie Carragher

All I have heard from Liverpool this year is how much they have missed their fans. Funny how the voices on the Kop matter only when it is most convenient.

The more I read about the European super league proposals, the more it seems Liverpool’s owners must like empty stadiums because all they have done is raise the likelihood of another mass walkout.

Liverpool’s game with Leeds tonight could not be better timed to expose the insanity of the closed-shop idea.

It is a game with potentiall­y massive ramificati­ons for Champions League qualificat­ion, full of jeopardy, and hence drama.

Millions will tune in for that reason, emotions running high whatever the result. The same anxious excitement will accompany all of Liverpool’s remaining seven games, which is why the broadcaste­rs pay millions for them.

That is the beauty of league football – where every action and point matters. That is why as a former Liverpool player, it sickens me that my club’s reputation is being damaged by the arrogance of an ownership group that wants to remove such peril, creating a culture where we no longer need to fight to earn our success. That is the antithesis of everything I understand football – especially in my city – to stand for.

To be tainted by associatio­n with the European super league is bad enough, but Liverpool’s apparent leading role in threatenin­g football’s competitiv­e ideals – the very ideals which allowed the club to emerge from England’s second division to become six-time European champions – is a betrayal of a heritage they are seeking to cash in on.

Manchester United’s shameless capitalism does not surprise me. United fans will agree that from day one, the Glazers have never hidden the fact they bought the club for the cash. They summed up their contempt for United fans when introducin­g a system forcing season-ticket holders to pay additional fees for cup matches.

But John W Henry is more cunning, courting fans’ groups in his early years and presenting himself as keen to engage, yet consistent­ly failing to grasp the culture of the Kop. I was among the paying season-ticket holders who walked out in disgust when Liverpool tried to charge £77 for match tickets in 2016, and only last summer the club were forced to backtrack on their attempts to claim taxpayer funds for furloughed staff.

Arsenal, Manchester City, Chelsea and Spurs will also get rightly hammered for this. Those four always seem happy hiding behind Liverpool and United when the flak is flying.

Whenever these radical schemes emerge, it is an opportunit­y for everyone to pile in, accusing the so-called “elite” of self-interest. True as that is, the moralistic interventi­on of Uefa, the Football Associatio­n, national leagues and whatever government minister is after a few votes is laughable.

“It’s all about money. It’s all about greed,” they say. Wow. These organisati­ons would jump on any passing gravy train if they thought it would make them richer.

Football, at every level of the profession­al game, is about money. The notion of English football being a meritocrac­y at the summit has been a myth since the Premier League formed, with only Blackburn Rovers (bankrolled by Jack Walker) and Leicester City shocking the world. Only seven clubs have won the Premier League in 29 years.

The actions of Liverpool and United, especially, are grounded on a grievance that for too long they have been denied the chance to make more of what they could earn, blocked from using their global popularity to maximise all revenue opportunit­ies.

But that can never justify efforts to destabilis­e the system without the backing of those they most need – the fans.

Football executives always make the mistake of believing they are the most influentia­l force in football. They swiftly realise that without the supporters, they are weak and powerless.

Liverpool’s game tonight could not be better timed to expose the insanity of a closed-shop idea

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 ??  ?? Up in the air: Liverpool and Real Madrid, in Champions League action, favour the split
Up in the air: Liverpool and Real Madrid, in Champions League action, favour the split

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