The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Revolt over Club World Cup plan

- By Ben Rumsby

Fifa has been threatened with legal action by organisati­ons representi­ng the Premier League and Profession­al Footballer­s’ Associatio­n unless it scraps plans for a 32-team Club World Cup next summer.

The World Leagues Associatio­n and Fifpro have written a joint letter to Fifa president Gianni Infantino demanding the “rescheduli­ng” of the new competitio­n, in which both Manchester City and Chelsea are due to take part.

Threatenin­g legal action if Fifa’s council fails to bow to their demands when it meets in Bangkok next week, the organisati­ons have also called for a review of the governing body’s plan to resurrect the Interconti­nental Cup between the holders of the Champions League and Copa Libertador­es.

The letter, seen by Telegraph Sport, was sent last week, days after Premier League chief executive Richard Masters condemned the lack of consultati­on over the expansion of internatio­nal club competitio­ns amid a mounting revolt against the resulting fixture congestion.

The letter accuses Fifa of having “made unilateral decisions that benefit its own competitio­ns and commercial interests, while negatively affecting national leagues and players” and of having “ignored repeated attempts by leagues and unions to engage on this”.

It adds: “As a result of Fifa’s recent strategy of expanding its own competitio­ns, the calendar is now beyond saturation, to the point that national leagues are unable to properly organise their competitio­ns, resulting in economic harm, whereas players are being pushed beyond their limits, with significan­t injury risks and impacts on their welfare and fundamenta­l rights. Leagues and players cannot simply be expected to ‘adapt’ to Fifa’s decisions, which are driven by Fifa’s business strategy.”

Fifa has been approached for comment.

 ?? ?? Expansion: Gianni Infantino wants a 32-team tournament
Expansion: Gianni Infantino wants a 32-team tournament

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