The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - The Telegraph Magazine

Simon is hounded by a gigantic hound

‘I obeyed – I’m always obedient when I’m nearly naked’


NEXT MONTH, THE MILL at Sonning Theatre is presenting my adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervill­es. It’s going to be a really exciting production, with an award-winning special-effects team bringing the hound to life.

Alas, not so when the show was first staged, 15 years ago. An animatroni­cs expert designed a hound to be operated by a man lying inside it, controllin­g the computeris­ed movements of its head and limbs – the rolling eyes, the gnashing teeth etc. It was going to be ‘awesome’, the producer told me – mind you, with a price tag of £50,000, I’d want it to also cook like Heston Blumenthal and sing like Frank Sinatra.

During the dress rehearsal, we tried everything to make the darned thing look lifelike: we covered it in mud, we painted its teeth, we lowered the lights and filled the stage with dry ice. To no avail. At the first performanc­e, tension was mounting on the moonlit moor: the audience were on the edge of their seats, and we hoped they’d scream – or at least gasp –whenourhou­ndappeared. There was a promising howl offstage, then on it lumbered, a cross between an arthritic Basil Brush and a tiny JCB. Its eyes were like brake lights rolling in the dark. There was no scream from the audience, no gasp – just a warm-hearted ‘Aaah’, as though Bambi had appeared. After a brief prowl ’n’ growl, the computer got jammed and two stagehands had to drag the hound off by its tail – the Eddie the Eagle of the theatre.

Faced with the show’s failure, the producer was upbeat, ‘ No worries,’ he told me, ‘I’m going to get the effing thing converted into a cat for Puss in Boots in Huddersfie­ld at Christmas.’ There’s ‘diverse’ for you – the first transspeci­es animal in theatre history. It’s probably understudy­ing in The Lion King by now.

I thought I’d been through the full menu of stinky minor ailments, from chilblains to chicken pox, but I’ve just come across a new absolute corker – sciatica. It really should be on the à la carte. My GP gave me a full diagnosis: ‘It’s a real bugger.’

She’s not wrong – it’s like barbed wire being twisted inside your thigh. The kindly physiother­apist said she could see me at short notice, so I had a quick shower, changed and set off. ‘Let’s have a look at you,’ she said, meaning strip to my pants. I did. ‘Turn round and put your arms in the air so I can see your spine.’ I obeyed – I’m always obedient when I’m nearly naked. ‘Well, I can see there’s clearly something wrong here,’ she said. I trembled. ‘You’ve got your underpants on back to front, Mr Williams.’

Elementary, my dear Watson.

The Hound of the Baskervill­es plays at The Mill at Sonning Theatre, 1 February to 17 March; millatsonn­

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