The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - The Telegraph Magazine

Eddie Mulholland on taking Prince William and Catherine’s engagement photo

Photograph­er Eddie Mulholland on taking Prince William and Catherine’s engagement picture 16 November 2010

- — Interview by Jessica Salter

I was photograph­ing another story for The Telegraph when I got a call from the picture desk, telling me I needed to get to St James’s Palace fast, as soon as possible. The engagement had been announced at short notice. Because it was the palace, I rushed home, put on a suit and tie, and got back to wait in line with the others. I remember another photograph­er turning up, seeing everyone in suits, and dashing off to Regent Street to buy one.

We waited there for about an hour. We didn’t exactly know the job, but most of us had a good idea what was happening. It was about 4pm when we were let into the main room. There was a huge rush when they opened the doors – all of us with ladders and kit bags. I managed to get a good position opposite the fireplace, where I guessed the couple would stand.

Prince William and Catherine came in looking very happy – he was slightly ahead of her, dressed in a blue suit, while she was wearing a royalblue dress, and of course the engagement ring that had belonged to Princess Diana. They paused in front of me, linked arms and grinned for the cameras. As it was inside, late in the year and late in the afternoon, the ambient light was really low, so we all had our flashes going off and it was very loud. It was a disaster for the TV crews in there. I had a chat with the Sky cameraman and he said all of his footage was unusable.

William and Catherine did say a few words to us, but to be honest, I don’t remember what they said, I was more concerned with getting the shot of them looking at the camera, smiling. It’s quite a pressured situation because you know that this picture is going to be on the front page, but the atmosphere is very restrictiv­e. The press officers want to move the photograph­ers along as quickly as possible so as not to upset their subjects.

I also covered Prince Harry and Meghan’s engagement announceme­nt in 2017. It was easier because the shoot was outside, so I didn’t have to worry about lights. I was also the pool photograph­er. That meant they allowed me in first to set up my ladder before letting everyone else in. Prince Harry and Meghan seemed very happy and relaxed posing for the cameras. As were Prince William and Catherine on this day. Unlike me. After we were ushered out, I rushed away, downloaded the pictures and sent them off, ready to be used on the front page of the next day’s paper.

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