The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - The Telegraph Magazine

John Stapleton on being one half of TV’S first married couple

John Stapleton, 74, on presenting the pioneering consumer programme with his wife, Lynn Faulds Wood, who died earlier this year


(Watchdog first aired 35 years ago this week)

Lynn and I were the first married TV couple. I met her in a pub in Richmond in 1971 when I was a researcher on This is Your Life and she was a teacher at a local school. She later went into journalism and became interested in consumer affairs after I bought her a nightie in the wrong size and she took it back and there was a kerfuffle over her rights. We were married for 43 years until she died this April.

Watchdog was Lynn’s show, really; she was such a fierce champion of people’s consumer rights. It was originally a daily segment on the BBC One teatime news programme Nationwide. When Nationwide ended, it was Lynn who went to (BBC controller) Michael Grade and begged him to commission it as a standalone.

We presented Watchdog as a couple for seven years, highlighti­ng scams and making British homes a safer place. One of my proudest moments was when a colleague and I uncovered the fuel-tax scandal in 1988 – travel companies had been slapping a surcharge on package holidays at a time when the price of fuel was going down. Another famous Watchdog story was in 1993 – customers spending more than £100 on Hoover products were promised free return flights to New York but the response was so huge that the company became overwhelme­d and our viewers weren’t getting them.

Lynn tackled dangerous products and safety issues. She was a force of nature – once she got the bit between her teeth she didn’t let go.

She exposed companies selling cookers with exploding doors and campaigned against electrical goods being supplied without fitted plugs – people were expected to fit them themselves, which led to many accidents. She also came up with the idea of putting a hole in Bic biro pen tops so that children wouldn’t choke to death if they accidental­ly swallowed them.

She was fearless too – she once got chased by a woman wielding an axe, and the owner of a fleet of illegal lorries tried to run her over. I did worry about her at times, but she was always with a crew. Besides, we both did dangerous assignment­s – it was part of the job as investigat­ive reporters. Also, if I had asked her not to do things, I know she would have told me to ‘bog off ’.

I do think being married added something to the programme. We were exposing some big powerful corporatio­ns, which was always a scary legal tightrope, so being a couple meant you could talk about it over dinner. Thankfully we never got sued.

We got thousands of letters every week and Lynn would pore through them looking for stories. She was great at technical details – handy when looking at faults on products. If you ask me what I brought to the table, I suppose it would be that I knew how to spot a good story. Before working in television I’d been on Fleet Street. I had many friends in the business and would feed them stories, which gave us great publicity for the show. In the end we were clocking up seven million viewers an episode, which TV producers these days would give their right arm for.

Our time together presenting came to an end in 1991 when Lynn got diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer at the age of 40. I remember a few days after she’d been admitted to hospital, watching our threeyear-old son, Nick, playing and thinking, ‘Am I going to be on my own?’ It was an awful time but Lynn didn’t let it beat her; she campaigned to break down taboos surroundin­g the disease and eventually made a full recovery. Healthwise, she got a s—t hand, though. A few years later she developed skin cancer, and then four years ago discovered she had APS, antiphosph­olipid syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease, which, ironically, she only discovered she had after working on a story about it. This disease sadly did for her in the end. I miss her so much and could never be as good as her at campaignin­g. But I am now trying to pick up some of what she has left off in building awareness around APS.

Watchdog ran for 35 years and there are not many programmes that can say that. This February it was axed and is now a weekly slot on The One Show. It’s a shame because I like to think it really did change things and was on the side of ordinary people. Maybe it will come back oneday,butnotwith­meatthe helm! Those days are over but I’ll always be proud of what Lynn and I did.

— Interview by Lucy Dunn

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 ??  ?? John Stapleton and Lynn Faulds Wood presenting Watchdog together
John Stapleton and Lynn Faulds Wood presenting Watchdog together

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