The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Travel

In hot pursuit of the perfect wave


There are few things more invigorati­ng than a big, sandy beach, whiteribbe­d with surf. The salty haze hanging in the air is like a pheromone to surfers – whether you’re a bodyboard-clutching novice happy to frolic in froth near the water’s edge or a stand-up pro lurking offshore waiting to catch a big one.

Surf is mesmerisin­g. You count the swells; you judge each one for size and strength. Constantly manoeuvrin­g, you wait for the perfect wave: a translucen­t green wall of water, marbled with foam and glittering with sunlight, it draws you in, picks you up and launches you on the ultimate thrill ride. There’s always a chance you’ll wipe out – that’s part of the adrenalin buzz – but surf is free and it just keeps coming. Once hooked, you’ll spend hours wallowing in the vibrant champagne-fizz of the breakers.

A holiday near a surf beach provides a great opportunit­y to hone your skills. There are lessons for all abilities, lasting from a couple of hours to several days. As well as teaching you how to surf safely, a good instructor can take you from inexperien­ced splashing to the euphoria of standing up (even if it is only for a few seconds). And then there’s the whole cool surf scene – youngsters learning together, showing off with moves such as kickflips and carves, then hanging out afterwards at the beach café. In fact, once children can swim with confidence, surfing can provide a great focus to a family holiday. It’s a summer version of a ski trip but much, much cheaper.

Nor do you have to travel to Hawaii or Bali to catch the perfect wave. There are great surf beaches for all levels just a short-haul flight away, and even closer to home on Britain’s sandy shores.

Read on for our round-up of the best surf beaches in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco and start planning your very own “endless summer”.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, you don’t have to venture too far to find some great surf beaches. Demi Taylor chooses her favourites, from the Hebrides to Morocco

 ??  ?? Surfing can be the summer version of a ski trip – but much cheaper
Surfing can be the summer version of a ski trip – but much cheaper

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