The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Travel

Travelling life

- Interview by Sarah Ewing

Katherine Jenkins Singer

How often do you travel?

A few years ago I was on a plane nearly every day, but that has all changed since having a baby. I once went to Moscow and back in a day so I could get back to my (22-month-old) daughter, Aaliyah. I try not to be away for long – and if I am, I take her with me. With flights and jet lag it can be difficult.

As a mother, what is you perfect holiday?

We’ve just returned from Rome, where I was performing – and it was lovely. There was lots of family time and relaxation by the pool during the day but also amazing culture. Of course Italy is very easy in terms of food, and Aaliyah fell in love with pizza there!

Your earliest memory of travelling abroad?

When I was little, we had a touring caravan so we would go to Tenby, the south of France and even 10 miles down the road. Because my dad died when I was 15, those are times I really treasure. After dinner we’d always play cards for pistachio nuts. It was very simple but we laughed so hard. I look back at that time fondly and think, gosh, we were all together.

Your most relaxing destinatio­n?

Koh Samui in Thailand. I first went there in 2004, not long after the tsunami. It’s incredibly beautiful and the people were so friendly.

Have you ever been on safari?

Yes, a lot. The first time was in 2011 and it was like a safari version of Jurassic Park. Everywhere I turned, animals appeared, including a herd of 30 elephants walking one behind the other. I can’t wait to take my daughter, so I can watch her face as she sees her animal books spring to life.

Most adventurou­s travel experience?

Encounteri­ng a great white shark in South Africa. It had never appealed and I was quite fearful, but one of the girls in my group wanted to do it. It had been her lifelong dream, so I joined her. When we got into the cages, she was really nervous and froze whereas I had a great time. It was amazing how close up you could get to the sharks.

Tell me about your volunteeri­ng work

The first time I visited South Africa in 2011, I visited an orphanage for baby rhinos

Favourite restaurant?

Katsuya in Los Angeles, which serves the most incredible Japanese food.

Best place for a drink?

Cé La Vi in Singapore, a bar on the boat-shaped rooftop of Singapore’s iconic casino resort, Marina Bay Sands. It’s the place for a glass of perfectly chilled champagne.

Worst travel experience?

Apart from losing luggage, it was a trip to Gran Canaria where I didn’t like the resort I was staying in. I was told it was on the beach but it was halfway up a cliff! I don’t

Where next?

Moscow, Dubai, South Africa again – and a UK tour at the end of the year. Katherine Jenkins is a patron of Tusk and a judge of the Avios Do More for Africa competitio­n where the prize is a two-week volunteer stay in southern Africa. To enter, go to

 ??  ?? Koh Samui in Thailand, above, is where Katherine Jenkins feels most relaxed; up close with a great white shark, above right
Koh Samui in Thailand, above, is where Katherine Jenkins feels most relaxed; up close with a great white shark, above right
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