The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Travel

Pitch up and let kids roam wild and free

Sarah Rodrigues loves the simplicity of a British camping holiday and reveals her favourite locations


IWhat’s more of a ‘bubble’ than your own tent, or less risky than your own food?

’m a fan of pretty much any kind of holiday – and, being from Sydney, Australia, I’m no stranger to flying long-haul with youngsters; my daughter was four months old the first time she made the journey home for Christmas. So perhaps it’s the amount of flying we have done that makes me love the simplicity of a camping holiday: no passports required, just cram as much as you can into the car and hit the road.

And I’m not alone. Even before Covid and its attendant restrictio­ns put the kibosh on most overseas travel, holidays at home were experienci­ng something of a renaissanc­e, with statistics showing that 32.5 million Britons took a camping or caravannin­g holiday in 2019, up from 11.8 million in 2017. By the summer of 2020, outdoor staycation­s were being booked at the rate of one every three seconds.

The decision to avoid flying and stay in the UK has been due in part to concerns about environmen­tal footprint, cost and waiting times – but the other big factor is that camping with children is a joy. Call me a terrible parent, but I believe that children – away from school and the other institutio­ns to which they must be signed up – should be allowed to run wild and free rather than being controlled. I don’t think they should have electronic dummies shoved into their hands in the form of a tablet, just so they can sit through a restaurant meal; nor do I think they should have to be trussed up like a Christmas turkey, engaged in a genteel game of cards, as I once observed in a hotel dining room. They should be toasting marshmallo­ws. They should have messy hair and dirty feet. They should have some form of a reprieve from what we all must, ordinarily, do.

As should parents. I remember once seeing, on a well-known parenting site, users asking whether their planned holiday purchases were suitable “flight outfits” and “breakfast buffet outfits”. It’s bad enough that I have to look somewhat presentabl­e on the school run, or for work – must I do it for holidays, too?

My children went to an incredible nursery that fostered creative and outdoor play. I remember collecting them and burrowing my nose into their smoky hair; a visceral sensation that I relive on camping holidays. They do not fear fire as I did – unable to light a match until the age of 12. They recognise and appreciate the seasons. They know that “bad weather” is actually just poor clothing choice. And when I eavesdrop on their conversati­ons, their gleeful nostalgia around our camping holidays reassures me that no “kids’ club” (attended while parents hang out in the spa, or neck a cheeky cocktail) could possibly offer an experience as rich.

I didn’t grow up in a camping family (the idea of my parents even pitching a tent is both unthinkabl­e and hilarious) but some of my best memories with my children – to be cherished, before they abandon family holidays in favour of trips with friends and partners – are from our scrappiest adventures: the time our tent was flattened by a gale; the time we lost a shoe in a river and turned it into a fishing game; the time I confidentl­y said I knew where we were going but got us completely lost – ending up on a beach with a wealth of collectibl­e ammonites. And – according to my youngest – “the sound of the tent zip” when you close up at night and open again in the morning. Simple pleasures. No designer kaftan required.

Granted, the flattened tents we’ve experience­d have made us equally keen on adventures in the safety of four walls, even if those four walls happen to be metal rather than brick. Given that coastal locations tend to be overrun in peak season, but still have a moody wildness to offer when the wind bites and the waves lash, a camper van formed the base for a recent surfing holiday in Croyde, Devon. Again we are not alone: provider Camptoo reported “a 130 per cent increase in annual yearon-year bookings to October 2020, with 47 per cent of all trips booked by groups of three or more, the vast majority of which were families”.

Naturally, it is not just the difficulty around travelling that has prompted a passion for back-to-basics holidays: even overseas, such adventures allow scope for distancing. What’s more of a “bubble” than your own tent, or van? What’s less risky than cooking and eating your own food? During a time of lockdown, what’s more freeing than wide open spaces? And honestly, after a year of restrictio­ns, what is more empowering than living – waking, eating, sleeping, roaming, stargazing – all on your own terms?

Travel within the UK is currently subject to restrictio­ns. See Page 3.

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 ??  ?? Coastal sites
‘have a moody wildness when the wind bites’, as Sarah and her children discovered on a surfing holiday
Coastal sites ‘have a moody wildness when the wind bites’, as Sarah and her children discovered on a surfing holiday
 ??  ?? g Worms Head peninsula in South Wales, which is within reach of the Brecon Beacons
g Worms Head peninsula in South Wales, which is within reach of the Brecon Beacons

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