The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Travel

The French village that got its just desserts

Villeneuve-Loubet has a museum dedicated to Auguste Escoffier, the great chef who invented Peach Melba. Anthony Peregrine can’t resist a visit


That Auguste Escoffier was the greatest chef who ever lived is scarcely half the story. He created the finest kitchens and restaurant­s of his time – at the hinge of the 19th and 20th centuries. Peach Melba was among the triumphs of a Frenchman who spent a lot of time being inspired by women (see Dishes of Seduction, below). He also relentless­ly codified cuisine in a huge cookbook still referred to by most French chefs.

“Escoffier provided the basics with which we’ve all made our own music ever since,” says French Riviera pâtissier Steve Ghirardo, one of 10,000 official Disciples of Escoffier scattered across the planet. Born 175 years ago in Villeneuve-Loubet, between Nice and Cannes, Escoffier tackled the reorganisa­tion of restaurant kitchens which were hellholes of damnable hygiene, drink and bullying. He establishe­d social welfare schemes for cooks, wrote treatises on ending poverty and gave enormously to charity.

As a trailblazi­ng celebrity chef, Escoffier was early into alliances with the food industry. Results included the Maggi stock cube and the first tinned tomatoes. For a while, this distinguis­hed fellow was also, almost certainly, a crook. For a shorter while yet, he was the employer of one of the 20th century’s most notorious dictators.

And – strangely, for a man who defined and refined French cuisine – he spent half his profession­al life in Britain. To put flesh on these bones, we need to travel to Villeneuve-Loubet.

This is no hardship. Set back from Côte-d’Azur pizzazz, Villeneuve is as lovely a vertical village as the region affords. Escoffier was born, the son of a blacksmith, in a stout house halfway up one of a maze of steep streets. The family home is now a small but fascinatin­g museum to the man. According to curator Richard Duvauchell­e, Japanese chefs show up regularly in adulatory mode. “They go first to the village cemetery to genuflect at the Escoffier family tomb, then visit the museum with enormous respect,” he says.

The young Escoffier didn’t want to be a cook. He wanted to be a sculptor. His dad put an end to that nonsense, sending him off at 13 to his uncle’s restaurant in Nice. Subsequent­ly, he graduated to a well-noted Paris restaurant. There followed a stint as an army chef and then as a POW, consequent upon the 1870 French pasting by the Prussians. Later, he teamed up with hotelier César Ritz. The two were tempted to London in 1890 by Richard d’Oyly Carte, to run the recently built Savoy hotel. They went on to fashion the finest hotel of its time, laying the foundation­s for modern deluxe hostelry.

A key element was the revolution­ising of kitchen practices. Escoffier developed the brigade system, rationalis­ing tasks along military lines: one man, one job, be it meat, veg or sauces. Hygiene and good manners were paramount. That meant farewell to rats, tobacco, booze and yelling at subordinat­es. The aim was to lend dignity to catering staff long considered lowlifes. At the same time, Escoffier was sorting out pensions and retirement homes for cooks. As his great-grandson Michel has said: “His ideas prefigured the creation of social security.” Then, in 1897, Ritz and

Escoffier were sacked from the Savoy for financial irregulari­ties. It is alleged that Ritz had been nicking even more food and wine than was usual, and that Escoffier had been taking huge kickbacks from suppliers. It seems out of character, but there were signed confession­s. The two left and establishe­d the Ritz in Paris.

But they were back in London in 1899, setting up the Carlton Hotel on the corner of Haymarket and Pall Mall (now New Zealand House). Shortly, they were draining clientele from the Savoy. Churchill showed up often, as did world leaders – and Mae West. For a period in 1913, the then-exiled Ho Chi Minh – future Vietnamese dictator – worked in the kitchens. Had he had his wits about him, he could have dented western capitalism from his post as pastry cook.

Escoffier was tireless – cooking, organising, campaignin­g on welfare issues and, from 1903, writing the spic Guide Culinaire. This codified and distilled French cuisine into one dense tome of 5,000 recipes. Escoffier insisted on scientific precision, recipes to be followed to the nearest gram and minute. As an advocate for the primacy of French cuisine, he was without peer.

He was now also a celeb, able to organise the Dîners d’Épicure which, in 1914, had 10,000 diners sitting down to the same meal on the same day in 140 centres across the world. Escoffier

thought gastronomy a means to world peace, but was proved wrong. His son, Daniel, was killed early in the First World War. Escoffier assumed responsibi­lity for Daniel’s widow and her family.

Which is one reason why, on retiring from the Carlton in 1920 and moving back to Monaco, he didn’t stop. He needed the money. He wrote and travelled ceaselessl­y as a consultant. A photo in the museum pictures him as honoured guest of perhaps 250 mushroom growers of Pennsylvan­ia. It is one of his minor achievemen­ts that we are now aware of the astonishin­g number of mushroom growers operating there. The museum has more substantia­l treasures, from a cooking range of the time through to kitchen equipment that

Escoffier invented. If you’re on the Riviera, the place easily justifies a diversion (; £5).

Villeneuve-Loubet is easy to find; you stroll along the coast until four pharaonic white apartment blocks billow into view. That’s Villeneuve-Loubet plage, with a posh marina and decent beaches. Turn inland for a couple of miles and a roundabout bearing a metal cut-out of Escoffier announces the old village of V-L.

Climbing the slope from the river Loup, it is a delight – hemmed in by parkland and wooded hill country. Up top is the medieval castle of the marquis, who still owns much of the landscape. The views are outstandin­g, and the cemetery to hand. You, too, might genuflect before the Escoffier family vault. He won’t mind your thoughts wandering to your next meal but you might, as a tribute, try to recite his five sauces mères. These, he decreed, were the starting points of all other sauces and of French cuisine. Good luck.

‘Escoffier was tireless – cooking, organising, campaignin­g on welfare issues’

Master chef: Auguste Escoffier at work in his kitchen

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 ??  ?? Glass act: Escoffier’s most celebrated dish, pêche Melba, was created for the Australian soprano Dame
Nellie Melba
Glass act: Escoffier’s most celebrated dish, pêche Melba, was created for the Australian soprano Dame Nellie Melba
 ??  ?? iVilleneuv­eLoubet, near Nice, is ‘as lovely a vertical village as the region affords’
iVilleneuv­eLoubet, near Nice, is ‘as lovely a vertical village as the region affords’

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