The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Travel


- David Williams

Grossglock­ner Hochalpens­trasse,


It is little wonder that motoring enthusiast­s love this 30-mile route through the Hohe Tauern National Park. It’s not just the stunning mountain views as the road climbs to 8,215ft that draw them in, but a series of 36 challengin­g, tyre-squealing hairpin bends, too. Start early in the morning to beat the camera-clicking tourists. There is a toll of around

€38 (£33) for a private car, and around €28 (£24) for a motorcycle.

Verdon Gorge circuit, France

Provence is arguably the most seductive region of France – and here is a drive to experience it at its finest. The 115-mile trip rises gently at first, then sharply

to villages such as Tourtour. Higher yet, and much, much deeper, is the Verdon Gorge, Europe’s version of the Grand Canyon and source of some of the continent’s most dramatic driving.

You could do it non-stop in four hours, but these roads require care – and you will want to stop frequently along the way. Though perfectly safe, this is certainly for those with a head for heights. Anthony Peregrine


Route One,

No landscape in Europe comes close to that of Iceland for stark beauty, and it is best enjoyed on the great, circular, 800-mile Route One. Highlights include the rocky vistas of the south coast; the extraordin­arily bleak north-east ash fields; and the hot springs at Myvatn. Best driven in high summer, the route demands a decent four-wheel-drive car; tell the rental company what you are intending to do, to make sure they find you an appropriat­e vehicle.

Nick Trend

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Iceland’s brooding Route One
Verdon Gorge – Europe’s answer to the Grand Canyon Iceland’s brooding Route One

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