The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Travel

For the best seat in the house, go by train

Sarah Gillespie takes the once notorious rail route from Nairobi to Mombasa and spots majestic wildlife from her window seat


They called it the Lunatic Express. It was a railway that traversed Kenya, from Mombasa to Kisumu, through what is now Tsavo National Park. It was built to grant fast access to the Nile – a sensible premise – but building it was an act of lunacy by the British colonists.

By the time the railway was completed in 1901, 2,493 workers had died – four for each mile. They succumbed to malaria, dysentery, floods and a pair of man-eating lions, who killed an estimated 135 people during the constructi­on of the Tsavo Bridge.

And it’s not just the building of the line that proved to be lunacy – it could be argued that up until 2017 it was an act of lunacy to opt to ride it. Passengers travelling from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, to Mombasa faced a crawl of up to 24 hours through stifling heat, with delays caused not by dead leaves on the track but dead elephants.

Yet in recent years, a vast upgrade to the Lunatic Express has seen the installati­on of new trains, stations, rails on columns and, thankfully, a new name – the Madaraka Express.

Although controvers­ially financed by Chinese loans, leaving the country in heavy debt, it has proved extremely popular with the locals. The Nairobi-Monbassa journey has been cut to just four and a half hours and offers the chance to spot big game from the rails. At 8,036 square miles, Tsavo, Kenya’s biggest national park, is renowned for its elephants.

And although Tsavo receives a fraction of the visitors of the Masai Mara, the new train is drawing people’s attention.

My own journey began with two days in Nairobi National Park, a tiny reserve ringing the city. Basing myself at The Emakoko, I charged out on a private game drive and within minutes had come across packs of zebras, impalas, and catatonic lionesses.

“We have a lot of wildlife here,” Rihaz Sidi, The Emakoko’s wildlife photogrago­lden-breasted pher in residence, told me as I was driven to the gate and we passed a herd of giraffes. “In Tsavo, you have to drive and drive… it’s a proper wild place.”

On arrival at the new Nairobi Terminus – a steel-and-glass monolith that looks like an odd 1960s vision of the future – my belongings and I were scanned, swiped and sniffed (by dogs) before I was guided to the first-class carriage of the Madaraka Express by a woman dressed entirely in violet.

I was surprised at how quiet the train itself was: I could hear only the hum of air con and the low murmur of Swahili conversati­on. A woman swept a mop down the aisle, trailed by a cloud of chlorine vapour.

My seat was roomy and maroon, with a faux-velvet sheen, and although I was initially alarmed to see a paper sick bag in the seat pocket, I realised my fears were unfounded as the train glided away without so much as a bump.

As we rolled out of the city and through Nairobi National Park, I spied a line of ostriches strutting sassily along the horizon. We then lurched back into human territory, and I kept jumping to misidentif­y cows and goats as impala and zebra.

The trolley announced itself with a clatter; pasted to its side was a menu offering bhajis and pakoras. In the late 19th century, the British consigned around 32,000 indentured Indian labourers to build the Lunatic Express; in 2017, their descendant­s were officially recognised by the Kenyan government as the country’s 44th tribe.

We entered Tsavo and farmland was replaced by a wall of bleached acacias on rust-coloured earth, but other than the occasional zebra or giraffe, it seemed that Rihaz was right: Tsavo’s animals would not be sending a welcome party.

As the light began to fade – along with my hopes – the acacias thinned out into a field dotted with fuzzy brown shapes. I grabbed my camera and trained it on one. “Elephants!” I exclaimed, to no reaction whatsoever. After that first herd, the elephants kept coming, all the way to the town of Voi.

On alighting at Voi’s luminous, V-shaped station, I looked for my transfer and found two Masai, dressed traditiona­lly in the red-striped cloth known as shuka, waiting for me: Chris Ngotiek and Fred Lenjir, guides at Kipalo Hills.

A secluded Africa lodge, Kipalo Hills is exquisite – all hardwood and beaten-metal lamps – but hardly sumptuous. “I’d rather provide guests with a five-star experience than five-star accommodat­ion,” founder Richard Corcoran told me as he handed me a G&T while we watched the sun’s last rays ignite the frosted peaks of distant mountains. “You won’t find $30,000 artworks here; for $30,000, I could educate 30 children.”

Kipalo Hills sits just outside Tsavo, in the Mbulia Conservanc­y and with Chris and Fred as my guides, I spent the next few days exploring Tsavo by jeep. The train route bisects Tsavo into two halves. “Tsavo East is about big, open spaces and big animals,” Chris told me. “Tsavo West is all about birds and beautiful scenery.”

As if on cue, a gerenuk – a spindly-legged antelope with a long, graceful neck – bounded across our path. “You don’t get those in the Masai Mara,” said Chris.

As we travelled further into Tsavo East, the brittle bush parted on to a green bowl ringed by mountains and brimming with animals. A herd of around 300 buffalo shimmered in the haze; a male lion slumped on the plain, one eye trained on a herd of hartebeest

In Tsavo West, we passed the infamous Tsavo Bridge – of man-eating lion fame – rusting below the gleaming columns supporting the new track. True to Chris’ word, it was a twitcher’s paradise. Vultures wheeled over black lava ridges; yellow-necked guinea fowl scattered in our wake. My favourites, though, were the superb starling and starling, with their prismatic plumage. Just before we left the park, we sighted a leopard draped over a tree, and I ticked off the final member of the Big Five.

I hopped back on the train at Voi and headed towards Mombasa to spend my last days in Kenya sunning myself on the beach. I spotted the old railway that ran alongside us, submerged in earth and stalked by baboons. This journey was rowdier than the last: the velvet tones of Kenyan singer Mzima Mzima rang out from someone’s Bluetooth speaker while a group of young lads, immersed in a game of poker, occasional­ly dissolved into fits of laughter.

“Someone keeps cheating,” said my seatmate, a 14-year-old schoolgirl named Uti, by way of explanatio­n. Uti was on her way to visit her grandmothe­r. “It’s fast and cheap,” she said of the train. “No more crashes.”

I asked her if she ever got bored of watching the elephants of Tsavo as they rolled past the window. “No,” she replied, in a dreamy voice, transfixed. “They’re so fun to watch.”

Of course, I could have taken this cross-Kenya trip – linking lodges, safaris and beaches – by car. But such a journey would insulate me from the culture I wished to experience; and besides, where else can you spot elephants from public transport? Take the train – you’d be a lunatic not to.

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 ?? ?? g Game on: The Emakoko safari lodge i Tall order: Sarah feeds a giraffe, Nairobi j All aboard: the Madaraka Express train
g Game on: The Emakoko safari lodge i Tall order: Sarah feeds a giraffe, Nairobi j All aboard: the Madaraka Express train

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