The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Money

‘My shrinking pension pot is trapped by 45pc exit penalty’


just 0.75pc a year. Unhappy with his pension’s performanc­e, Mr Cameron wanted to move his cash to Standard Life, a firm he also has savings with.

But he was told by Phoenix, a “closed book” firm that owns Abbey Life policies and doesn’t take on new clients, that leaving would cost him £4,668 – 45pc of his pension pot.

He said: “It’s a lot of money. I was already disappoint­ed to find out the pension hasn’t grown and now they want to halve it.”

Telegraph Money asked Phoenix to waive the fees in light of the policy’s appalling performanc­e. The firm refused, saying: “We have to be fair to all customers with this product.” A spokesman claimed that “strict governance processes” meant it had to “deliver on the promises made to customers”.

Under FCA rules, Phoenix will have to let Mr Cameron leave with a 1pc exit charge on his 55th birthday, in 2024.

Kay Ingram of LEBC, an advice firm, said: “While these charges may have been part of the original contract, it is hard to see how Phoenix can justify charging for a future service that the plan holder no longer requires. If Phoenix is interested in being fair to all policyhold­ers, reviewing these penalties would be a good start.

“Practices like this give pensions a bad name and discourage others from saving. They have no place in the 21st century when technology has enabled administra­tion costs to be cut”.

Under-55s still face sky-high charges to switch pension provider, writes

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