The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Money

Three cheers for Britain’s ‘terrible’ demographi­cs

- Ken Fisher Ken Fisher founded Fisher Investment­s and built a fortune estimated at £5bn

Last month’s sunny population growth projection­s from the Office for National Statistics surprised many with their forecast of a sharp upturn after long-standing declines in fertility rates. But it used stale inputs. Demographe­rs warn that the next forecast, using fresher assumption­s, will be bleaker.

And that, they say, dismally foretells labour shortages, empty classrooms and shuttered businesses – while your government goes broke caring for floods of elderly dependants.

Britain’s economy and stocks will supposedly stagger. Nonsense. While Britain is indeed ageing, these fears are stale, backwards and simply wrong. Greying population­s aren’t impediment­s to progress – they are signs of it.

Yes, despite a mild post- pandemic uptick, Britain’s fertility rates now plumb 80-year lows. According to the Organisati­on for Economic Co- operation & Developmen­t (OECD), 12.8pc of the population was aged 65 or older in 1970. That rose to 15.8pc in 2000 and is now 18.9pc, a jump that parallels western Europe. Supposedly awful! In 2000 there were 27 Britons aged 65 and over for every 100 of working age. That has since climbed to 33.2 and by 2075 the OECD projects it to be 53 – fewer than two workers to “support” every oldster. Allegedly terrible – and many other nations project something similar.

What to do? Cheer! Every major economy gets older as it prospers. As living standards increase, lifespans follow. Birth rates fall too, alongside infant mortality. In 1951 British males had a life expectancy of just 66.4 and females 71.5. Now it’s 78.6 and 82.6. And that is just within my lifetime (maybe yours too).

Look back to the Industrial Revolution: life expectanci­es have roughly doubled since. Tremendous healthcare advances mean all those extra years are more fruitful and productive too.

Doomsters convenient­ly ignore the crucial caveats of “good” demographi­cs: countries that have the youngest population­s (and, hence, the fewest over-65s relative to those of working age). They are mostly in Africa and sadly suffer poverty, short lifespans and high infant mortality. Their economies and capital markets? Wretched. Youth doesn’t determine dynamism or booming markets. History shows that, as economies develop, they get older, without killing economic growth or stock market gains. Yes, the share of Britain’s population accounted for by the elderly climbed steadily from 1970, yet inflation-adjusted economic output more than doubled, while British stocks gained at an annualised rate of 10.3pc.

Fear merchants fret that more old folks will somehow wreck Britain. They pin pockets of economic weakness – such as Italy’s long-term sluggishne­ss – on demographi­cs alone, ignoring true economic drivers such as business investment and sector compositio­n ( consider Italy’s dearth of growthorie­nted firms). They also ignore countries that can boast bigger stock market gains over the past two decades, such as Germany and the Netherland­s, despite their nosebleed ratios of pensioners to workers.

Bias explains part of the fear. Doomsters cast all us old geezers as misers. This is wrong. In 1984 Americans aged 25 to 34 spent 41pc more than those aged 65 to 74, but the gap had shrunk to just 12pc by 2022. Again, innovation­derived prosperity rules. Longer lifespans and an increased retirement age mean oldsters earn more than ever – and spend part of it. Sure, those aged 45 to 54 ( America’s highest-spending age group) still outspend the 65-74 age group by about 50pc. But even that gap has fallen from more than 80pc in 1984.

Old people invest, funding capitalism’s growth magic. They give money to children and grandchild­ren, who spend it. Many work into their 70s or 80s. I am 73 and have no retirement in sight. The share of Britain’s workforce aged 65 or older hit a record 1.5m in the second quarter of 2022. As physically intense farming and manufactur­ing jobs are replaced by service and knowledge- orientated industries, experience can actually make older workers more productive, not less.

Demographi­c doomsters also erroneousl­y extrapolat­e trends. No one knows for sure if Britain’s birth rate will keep falling. Or how many skilled workers immigratio­n may bring decades ahead. Outside these islands, no one can foresee if fertility rates will climb in China now that the one-child policy has been abandoned – or fall in India. Or how new inventions might spur new efficienci­es worldwide. Consider semiconduc­tors’ impact over recent decades. Or the internet’s. Or that of mobile phones. AI, anyone?

Stocks? Demographi­c trends evolve glacially over decades, giving markets ample time to adapt.

Demographi­c doomsters never find “just right” conditions. “Too many” births globally stoke fears of overpopula­tion; “too few” spur talk of slowing growth. None of it tells you one iota about where economies or stocks are going. So stay bullish. Tune out the demographi­c drama, no matter what the next ONS report yields.

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