The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Money

‘Have I accidental­ly lost my garage to my neighbour?’

- Dear Gary Dear Lewis

QMy brother and his wife bought a house in 2014 and shortly after moving in, the next- door neighbour asked if he could store an old car of his in the garage, for which he pays a very small amount in rent.

My brother agreed to this for a peppercorn rent payable in cash on a monthly basis. Nothing was put in writing. My brother now wants to have his garage back, but the neighbour is not willing to move his car out.

Where does my brother stand? Can he remove the car and dispose of it without the owner’s consent?

– Lewis

APerhaps your brother and his wife were trying to make a good impression with their new neighbour back in 2014 by being extremely kind in giving up their garage for a peppercorn rent. But whatever the reason, they do now have a potential legal problem which will cause them regret unless they remedy it pronto. First, I must be very clear that they should not take is to act unilateral­ly and dispose of, or otherwise remove, the car without due process being adhered to.

Doing that could well cause your brother and his wife to have even more legal worries, as it could invite a claim by the car owner for loss or damage to his property.

The tone of your email suggests the neighbour who owns the car is still on the scene and paying the monthly fee, but he just does not react or cooperate with any reasonable requests to move his car. So, before they serve notice on him to remove the car, the key thing is for your brother and his wife to be on the right side of the law.

A fundamenta­l legal point is whether the agreement for the neighbour to use the garage created a lease or a licence. We want it to be a licence, because a licence can be revoked at short notice without the occupier (the licensee) having a right to stay on.

A lease is a different beast, which in some circumstan­ces does give to the occupier (the tenant) security to stay on as long as the rent is paid, and also seek to renew the lease at the end of the initial term.

You say in this case nothing is in writing, so we must look at the conduct of the parties, and more particular­ly what rights they have enjoyed over the last 10 years. The crucial issue is “exclusive occupation”. If the neighbour has locked the garage for the last 10 years and not let your brother and his wife in, this is a scenario akin to a lease. I hope that is not the case.

However, if there has not been exclusive possession, and your brother and his wife also frequently entered the garage without notice – or even better kept some of their own property or possession­s in the garage – this is a licence.

If the conduct so far has lent more towards lease than licence, now is the time to bring it back to licence territory, perhaps by your brother and his wife putting some of their belongings in the garage. In a strange way, no written agreement is helpful in that you can now mould what the arrangemen­t is. Though, of course, for the benefit of readers I would always recommend setting up new arrangemen­ts like this with a Licence Agreement.

One reason for always having a Licence Agreement is that it nails down what the situation is from the start, and also allows you to put in writing an express power for the owner (or licensor) to be able to remove any property left behind by the licensee at the terminatio­n of the agreement. Here, that would be an express power to remove the car and park it on the public highway. In this case, the next best thing (once there is clear and irrefutabl­e evidence this is occupation under licence) is to put in writing to the neighbour that he has one month to remove his car and any other items from the garage, or in default your brother and his wife will have the car towed out.

Or, more likely, the neighbour will drive out the car at some point, and once he does that after the one-month notice has passed, they could change the locks on the garage.

But the key point is to make this situation a licence, and not a lease.

‘Ask a Lawyer’ should not be taken as formal legal advice, but rather as a starting point for readers to undertake their own further research


 ?? ?? How can you get a neighbour to stop using your garage for their old car, asks a reader
Gary Rycroft is a solicitor at Joseph A Jones & Co. His column is published twice a month online.
Email questions to
How can you get a neighbour to stop using your garage for their old car, asks a reader Gary Rycroft is a solicitor at Joseph A Jones & Co. His column is published twice a month online. Email questions to
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