The Daily Telegraph - Saturday - Money

Gen Z deserves empathy

It’s up to older people to give younger generation­s hope and something to work for


Actress Jodie Foster describes working with young people as “really annoying … They’re like, ‘Nah, I’m not feeling it today, I’m going to come in at 10.30am.’” Gen Z certainly has a reputation for not complying with normal working practices, taking random days off, working hours that suit them and prioritisi­ng their mental health over work.

It is an issue that has been making headlines, after a report found a higher proportion of people in their early 20s are economical­ly inactive owing to health reasons. It said 6pc of younger people have been signed off work, more than in any other age group below the late 40s, and a rise in mental health issues seems to be the main factor. My own experience is mixed. I work with at least as many highly focused, career-minded young people as those who struggle to turn up. But some behaviour is perplexing. I recently organised a filmed discussion to explore different stages in women’s careers; having lined up speakers for each of the key milestones, including a chief executive, I checked in with everyone the day before the in-person recording. But the youngest failed to show up and did not respond to phone calls or WhatsApp messages.

I spent the day trying to check she was OK – to no avail. No one else seemed to think it was anything out of the ordinary – even her company seemed relaxed, although she had been expected in the office. I continued to worry until someone let me know that she was back at work the next day, no explanatio­n given or apparently needed for being Awol for 24 hours.

But the odd no-show doesn’t justify labelling an entire generation “snowflakes”. Is much of the criticism actually just a classic case of older people despairing of the “youth of today”, forgetting how lazy or unmotivate­d we might have been at the same age?

I went in search of evidence. Here in Britain, we haven’t collected historic informatio­n on young people’s attitudes to work, but in America, an ongoing study, called Monitoring the Future, has been surveying 18-year-olds since 1976, with the data available up to 2022. In short, it’s a study of the work ethic right the way through from Boomers ( born between 1946 and 1964) to Gen Z (mid1990s to 2010s).

Jean M Twenge, a psychologi­st and author of Substack account “Generation Tech”, interrogat­ed the data to see whether today’s young people really are less willing to work than previous generation­s. It seems Gen Z has been somewhat maligned. After declining from Boomers to Millennial­s, the work ethic made a comeback among Gen Z 18-yearolds in the 2010s. So, for example, an increasing number said they wanted to do their best in their job, “even if this means sometimes working overtime”. This peaked at 54pc of 18-year-olds willing to do overtime in 2020.

But then, amid the pandemic, the numbers collapsed, with the 2022 report suggesting just 36pc would do so – a record low in the survey’s near-half century. A similar pattern is repeated across the whole survey. One question explores 18-year- olds’ intrinsic motivation to work: “If you were to get enough money to live as comfortabl­y as you would like for the rest of your life, would you want to work?”. Again, the data reveal a decline in those wanting to work between Boomers and Millennial­s, a bounce back from Gen Z, before sharply falling in 2021 and 2022 to another alltime low.

It’s the exact same story for those “expecting work to be a very central part of my life” and “expecting my future work to be satisfying”. All the latest readings suggest a dramatic drop in enthusiasm and commitment to work since 2020. But to what extent does this apply only to teenagers? On this, Britain does have useful – if depressing – data, with a sharp increase in numbers of “economical­ly inactive” adults of all ages since the start of the pandemic. More than 9m

Britons aged 16-64 are now economical­ly inactive – over 20pc of the working population. More than two thirds of the inactive are not signed off long-term sick. So yes, the younger generation may have a (recent) work ethic problem, but so do many of the rest of us.

The fact is that the true psychologi­cal impact of lockdowns (and all the associated second-order effects) is still barely understood. And while that applies to all age groups, since the young missed out so much – and are the future – it’s critical to focus on them and their recovery.

Happily, some young people have rebounded, delighted to be out and about in the world again and more appreciati­ve of their opportunit­ies and freedoms. They are seizing the day.

But many others are understand­ably wary of the system that let them down during crucial years in their teenage lives. “Quiet quitting” – not actually quitting but doing the bare minimum, setting boundaries, not checking emails constantly, saying no to extra work – is not just a trend on TikTok. “Coasting” is now a fashionabl­e lifestyle choice.

Much has been said about the diminishin­g chances of young people being able to buy a home, or afford childcare; I think the loss of motivation is even more fundamenta­l. The relentless onslaught of negativity – from climate crisis to “world war three” – inevitably creates a sense of “what’s the point?”. Many feel they have lost the chance even to dream.

That’s what we need to help them with first. And empathy is far more likely to help unblock a lack of motivation than exasperati­on. Whether we are parents or managers, we should mentor, encourage and help unmotivate­d young people see that even with all of today’s big challenges, they can create exciting prospects for themselves.

An optimistic future starts with helping young people regain their happiness and sense of purpose.

‘Many young people feel they have lost the chance even to dream’

 ?? ?? Baroness Helena Morrissey is a member of the House of Lords. She has worked in financial services for more than 30 years. She campaigns for women’s financial equality, founded the 30% Club and now chairs the Diversity Project
Baroness Helena Morrissey is a member of the House of Lords. She has worked in financial services for more than 30 years. She campaigns for women’s financial equality, founded the 30% Club and now chairs the Diversity Project

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