The Daily Telegraph

William becomes patron of the homeless

- By Sally Pook

PRINCE William has become patron of Centrepoin­t, the youth homelessne­ss charity that was one of his mother’s favourite organisati­ons.

It is the prince’s first patronage and illustrate­s his desire to continue the legacy of Diana, Princess of Wales, who remained a supporter of Centrepoin­t despite relinquish­ing most of her charitable duties in 1996.

Only months before announcing her decision to sever her links with almost 100 charities, the princess took both Prince William, then 13, and Prince Harry on a late-night visit to one of the charity’s shelters in London, where they met young homeless people.

The princess took on the role of patron of Centrepoin­t in 1992 and held it until her death five years later.

Prince William, 23, has already immersed himself in the work of the charity, spending two days carrying out duties such as serving breakfast and lunch to young homeless people and acting as a care worker to them.

He also helped to find temporary housing for the homeless and filled in accommodat­ion and benefit forms.

Other work included his attendance at workshops where young people were given the chance to talk through their problems.

In a statement, the prince said: “I have always been deeply concerned for those people, especially young people who, for whatever reason, fi nd themselves living on the streets or without a proper home.

“Charities like Centrepoin­t do such an amazing job in helping to combat homelessne­ss and social exclusion and I wanted to lend my support to their remarkable efforts.”

Both William and Harry were taken by the princess on more than one occasion to see the help offered at Centrepoin­t shelters.

In January 1996, their secret trip to meet residents at a night shelter in Soho, London, was leaked to the media.

During their hour-long visit, the young princes met the 25 teenagers staying there, talking to them in the canteen and listening to their problems.

Prince William sat in on a briefi ng for volunteers, including a cabbie and a nurse, and was “interested in the fact that they had worked hard all day and were now working again”.

The prince has always been passionate about helping the homeless. In an interview last year, he revealed how his mother had opened his eyes to the problem.

“I’ve always just felt they are overlooked and they need help, basically. I have done a bit privately and publicly over the last few years and that is one particular area I am passionate about.

“My mother introduced that sort of area to me a long time ago. It was a real eye-opener and I am very glad she did. It has been something I have held close to me for a long time.”

The Prince of Wales also has links to the charity. It was as a result of visiting Centrepoin­t in the 1970s that he founded the Prince’s Trust.

Anthony Lawton, the chief executive of Centrepoin­t, welcomed the appointmen­t. “It is wonderful that William is so committed to homeless young people and in particular that he wants to work with us.”

Centrepoin­t was created in the winter of 1969, when Ken Leech, a curate, opened the basement of his church, St Anne’s in Soho, to help people sleeping rough in the West End.

As well as projects outside the capital, there are now 16 services across London for 16- to 25-year-olds including ex-offenders’ accommodat­ion, a centre for pregnant women and single mothers, and Centrepoin­t Safe Stop — an emergency shelter where youngsters on the street can stay as a first port of call.

Two years ago, Prince William visited a homelessne­ss charity in Newport, south Wales, with his father as part of a series of engagement­s to mark his 21st birthday. spook@ uk PA / KENT GAVIN

 ??  ?? Prince William chats to young people during a visit to the homelessne­ss charity Centrepoin­t in London this week. ‘ They do such an amazing job and I wanted to lend my support,’ he said
Prince William chats to young people during a visit to the homelessne­ss charity Centrepoin­t in London this week. ‘ They do such an amazing job and I wanted to lend my support,’ he said
 ??  ?? Diana, Princess of Wales, in her role as patron in 1997
Diana, Princess of Wales, in her role as patron in 1997

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