The Daily Telegraph

The pumps run dry as petrol panic hits the streets in Poplar


Duncan Gardham MOTORISTS on their way home in east London last night found that many petrol stations had run out of fuel and of those that were still open most had only diesel left.

Among them was the Texaco garage in Poplar, where drivers queued for over 100 yards down the road for diesel. Emma Leelawarde­na, 30, a housewife from east London, said: “I live nearby but I’m planning to travel up north to Teesside to see my parents tomorrow but even if I don’t go I still need fuel.

“It’s only for my own use but I don’t want to be stuck, it would be a nightmare.”

Shah Khan, 26, from Stepney, said: “I’m a security guard and I’ve got to get across London tomorrow. I work 12-hour shifts so it’s no good trying to use public transport. This really is a priority for me and I think the prices have just become a rip off. It’s ridiculous.”

Mary Ogundiyi, 39, from Poplar, was waiting in the queue with her husband Amos, 42, but had not realised that only diesel fuel was available. She said: “I’m scared of what happens if the protest goes on for a long time. A friend called me and told me what was happening so I rushed out.

“If I run out it will really restrict my movements and I’m studying to be a nurse and I need to get to college.

“The prices just keep on going up every time I fi ll up and not everyone can afford it. A tank just doesn’t last very long.”

Arthur Price, 52, said: “I’m not panicking because I’ve still got £10 worth in the tank but I need the car for my roofing work and I do a lot of driving around south London. These queues are ridiculous but if I don’t wait now I will have to come back and try again tomorrow.”

A black cab driver, who gave his name as Dennis, 69, from the Isle of Dogs, said: “I’ve been off work for a few days and am almost down to zero.

‘‘I went to watch the cricket Test yesterday and did not know what was going on and I have just come out to fi nd that there are queues everywhere.

“I don’t think very much of all this.”

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