The Daily Telegraph

Overwhelme­d Vaughan reveals battle plan

- By Simon Briggs

AFTER the victory parade and tea at 10 Downing Street, a hungover Michael Vaughan was still reeling yesterday as he tottered into Lord’s. While his physical state may have been fragile, his mood remained thoroughly beatific.

“I thought the Ashes were important,” Vaughan said, “but I didn’t realise how important until I saw the number of people who turned out today. It was surreal, and very emotional on the bus.

“We have worked so hard to win, but you still don’t realise what success in sport does for the nation – the way people go to work with a feelgood factor, and kids go to school with a smile on their face. It really hit home today what it means to people when the national team is successful.”

Never one to fan the flames of publicity, Vaughan has been guarded all summer in his public utterances. But now the series is over, he is able to speak freely on the blueprint behind England’s triumph.

Yesterday Vaughan admitted that the long-term planning for the Ashes began at the beginning of last summer. “I probably lied when I said I wasn’t thinking about the Ashes 18 months ago,” he said, “because we were planning this series a long way ahead. We were trying to get the right formula and the right personnel, and we were talking in depth about how we thought we should play against Australia.

“We felt we needed to be positive in our body language and our approach, and we needed to make sure we hit them hard early on. I talked down the Twenty20 contest, but the team knew it was an important day for us to hit Australia hard and let them know we weren’t going to be bullied.”

Clearly it would have been tactless to mention the Australian­s at the start of last summer, especially as England were about to face worthy opposition in the shape of New Zealand and the West Indies.

But the impressive thing is that Vaughan and his co- pilot, team coach Duncan Fletcher, managed to fuse long-term planning with shortterm success. In the course of 2004, they introduced two new young batsmen, Andrew Strauss and Ian Bell, plus the combative Geraint Jones as wicketkeep­er. Even with all that rebui lding work in progress, England still managed to win all seven Tests last summer.

“I always felt that a young team with no scars could be a key factor against Aust ral ia,” Vaughan explained. “When we went 1-0 down, it helped that we had no ‘here we go again’ kind of feeling.

“We had players who had not been in Australia two years ago, and not played against them in the last series over here. So when we said: ‘You’ve got to believe in yourself’, they didn’t think: ‘ Well in Australia you said that and we still lost 4- 1.’ ”

Sceptics might argue that Bell made a negligible contributi­on, averaging just 17, and that in hindsight Graham Thorpe would have been a better bet. But it is impossible to quantify the effect of youth and enthusiasm in the dressing room. While his batting may have been naive at times, Bell also took eight catches, the most by any fielder in the side. And for all Thorpe’s resilience, who knows whether he might have brought echoes of old Ashes defeats into the camp?

While England were spraying the champagne around, Austral ia boarded a fl ight at Heathrow. Shane Warne, though, will stay behind to lead Hampshire’s tilt at the county championsh­ip title.

“I think England deserved to win, and they outplayed us for the last four Tests,” said Warne. “We can say we should have done this and that, but I just think England deserved to win. I think we’re still probably the best side in the world, because we’ve done it home and away against every opposition and in all conditions. But there’s no reason England can’t do that too – they could be the best side in the world once they’ve played everybody home and away in a few years’ time.”

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