The Daily Telegraph

Corby n ballot nomination­s 'show Labour is deluded'

- By Ben Riley-Smith Political Correspond­ent

LABOUR’S leadership contest has descended into infighting after the nomination of a Left-wing candidate led to warnings the party was “deluding” itself.

The decision of some Labour MPs to back Jeremy Corbyn so that he made it into the ballot, despite them disagreein­g with his politics, led to claims the party had not learnt from its election defeat.

It came as Liz Kendall’s team attacked leadership rivals over a Telegraph revelation that they dismissed her campaign as being backed by “Taliban New Labour”.

Jim Murphy said whoever uttered the words should be “ashamed”, while both Andy Burnham’s and Yvette Cooper’s camps denied using the phrase.

Ms Cooper, Mr Burnham and Ms Kendall were dramatical­ly joined on the leadership ballot by Mr Corbyn as he secured the 35 MP nomination­s needed with minutes to spare before the noon deadline.

Labour MPs had campaigned for colleagues to lend their vote to ensure the leadership debate was widely spread.

However, some publicly attacked those backing Mr Corbyn, who opposes austerity and Trident, as proof Labour was not serious about winning again.

“If people think Jeremy is genuinely the man to win a parliament­ary majority, a leader who can win not just Nuneaton but also Corby and Thurrock, then they are deluding themselves,” wrote Jonathan Reynolds, shadow energy and climate change minister, in a scathing blog. “If Jeremy was leader the Tories would win a majority of at least 100.”

John Mann, a Labour MP, tweeted that the late surge for Mr Corbyn demonstrat­ed the party’s “desire never to win again”, while Tom Harris, a former Scottish Labour MP, wrote: “Dear David Cameron, you’re welcome. Lots of love, the Labour Party.”

Labour MPs who backed Mr Corbyn said they did so for the good of the party. Frank Field said Mr Corbyn would represent members who would feel cheated if there was no Left-wing voice.

Ms Kendall’s team hit back over comments attributed to a rival camp. “Andy and Yvette’s attack on Liz is old machine politics Labour must leave behind,” wrote John Woodcock, an MP advising Ms Kendall. Mark Ferguson, a Kendall adviser, wrote: “I think when you compare Labour MPs and members to the Taliban, you demean yourself pretty badly.”

Labour’s four candidates will spend the summer attending public hustings before a winner is announced on September 12.

Mr Burnham won the most MP nomination­s with 68, Ms Cooper had 59, Ms Kendall 41 and Mr Corbyn 36.

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