The Daily Telegraph

Strikes in Syria are meaningles­s if we fail to fund our Forces

The PM should urgently win Parliament’s backing for action – and promise higher defence spending

- FRASER NELSON Fraser Nelson is editor of ‘ The Spectator’

It may be some time coming, but it looks as if David Cameron will probably win Parliament’s approval to start bombing in Syria. He has been wanting to strike there for months, but Ed Miliband forced him to stick to the Iraqi side of the border. In yesterday’s debate, however, it seemed that Labour is now coming around to his way of thinking. Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, certainly made a compelling case: Isil does not recognise the Iraqi-Syrian border, so surely our military should be able to follow the enemy? “We have to deal with Isil extremism right across the board,” he said. Quite so. But with what?

The military that the Prime Minister wishes to deploy has lost almost a third of its combat capabiliti­es over the past five years. This is starting to show. Our efforts even on the Iraqi side of the operation have been pathetic. The Americans have been dropping about 50 bombs a day on Isil positions; we have managed between one and two. At the last count, the Australian­s had offered to send 400 people to the non-Kurdish regions of Iraq; the Spanish 300 and the Italians 280. Britain had sent just three. Our politician­s can still deliver the world’s most rousing defence speeches. But we no longer have a military to match.

The Prime Minister is, by instinct, an interventi­onist – someone who believes in Britain as a country that shapes the world, rather than one that is shaped by the world. At a private dinner for Tory donors on Tuesday, he astounded guests by giving a heartfelt speech about the Tunisian atrocity and the importance of defeating Isil. “It was the kind of speech you’d expect in Parliament, not at a fundraisin­g jolly,” one of the guests told me. But Mr Cameron tends not to make such speeches in public, and hasn’t done since losing his vote to intervene in Syria two years ago. That defeat cast a long shadow over British foreign policy, one he must now escape.

A lot of rot is spoken about that vote. Mr Cameron wanted to attack government positions in Syria, hoping to help moderate rebels overcome Bashar al-Assad. Many Tories were unconvince­d, fearing we’d end up helping the jihadist rebels (whom we now know as Isil). But Ed Miliband promised to back Mr Cameron, so the vote went ahead. Mr Miliband then found out that Labour MPs would not back him so he U-turned, pretending it was an issue of great principle: he was right and Barack Obama was wrong. The then leader of the Opposition later boasted that he was “standing up to the leader of the free world”; in truth, he could not stand up to Jeremy Corbyn.

So the vote ended in a historic humiliatio­n for Mr Cameron. Prime ministers ought never to be defeated on issues of war and peace; he took it badly and seemed to walk away from world affairs in a huff. At times, it was as though he wished to punish Parliament by refusing to recognise any problem south of Penzance. Gone was the man who wanted to “close down ungoverned spaces” in the Sahara desert. During the general election campaign, foreign affairs were hardly mentioned: he had gone from hawk into isolationi­st.

This is why another Syria vote is needed now: Cameron needs to win permission to act, from a new parliament. He is dealing with a new situation, which bears little resemblanc­e to the one MPs debated two years ago. Vernon Coaker, Labour’s defence spokesman, says his party now “stands ready to work with the Government”. If the massacre in the Imperial Marhaba Hotel was, indeed, planned in Raqqa, Isil’s main stronghold in Syria, then why stop the RAF pursuing targets there? The Prime Minister is taking this debate very slowly, mindful of the way he rushed things last time. But a new vote now looks all but inevitable.

Still, we need to ask: if the US Air Force hasn’t been able to disable Isil after the release of 15,000 bombs, why should a couple more RAF aircraft make much difference? Mr Fallon said yesterday that he’d increase the amount spent fighting Isil by £30 million, a big deal for cashstrapp­ed Britain. But this is what the Pentagon spends fighting Isil every five days. Ground troops have been ruled out; everyone agrees that the Kurds must do the actual fighting and that they’ll need kit. It seems we can’t even afford that. As of February the Americans had donated 400 armoured Humvees, the Germans 8,000 assault rifles (and much else). Britain was able to spare just 40 machine guns.

David Cameron speaks eloquently about how we will never deal with terrorism until we deal “quite aggressive­ly” with Isil. He’s right, we’re now talking about a force that controls a territory as large as Britain, and an army as large as Denmark’s. If they are to be forced out of Iraq, we need to do more than pat some Kurds on the back and send them a few dozen machine guns. And unless we want to hand Syria to al-Qaeda, we will also need some sort of ground strategy (none currently exists). The Americans, meanwhile, see an ally in decay. The RAF Tornados we have assigned are near the end of their lives, in a squadron due to be disbanded.

Mr Cameron needs to accept that, although Isil is a fanatical enemy that has just slain 30 British citizens in cold blood, our military cannot do much about it. We’re shrinking: six years ago, we stopped paying for Iraqi officers to train at Sandhurst. Four years ago, we closed our consulate in Basra. Cutting back the budget for the military and the Foreign Office in order to fatten the foreign aid budget has had consequenc­es – and we’re looking at them now.

The Prime Minister has the power to remedy this. He can decide that the defence cuts have gone too far, especially at a time when the threat from Russia underlines our need for convention­al military. At the very least, next week’s Budget should confirm that we will respect the Nato minimum, spending at least 2 per cent of economic output on defence. Persuading Parliament to back action in Syria is important. But funding a military that’s able to act is more important still.

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