The Daily Telegraph

Seven-day hospitals


SIR – For NHS consultant­s to work seven days a week is generally wellintend­ed. However, I would like to voice a note of caution to Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, with regard to planned, elective surgical procedures. A recent article in The British

Journal of Surgery demonstrat­ed that elective operations carried out on Friday were associated with significan­tly worse outcomes than those carried out at the beginning of the week. Good surgical care is not merely dependent on the surgeon, it requires valued support from nurses, physiother­apists, occupation­al therapists and radiograph­ers – fewer of whom work at the weekend.

So for this approach to work safely, the seven-day premise needs to be introduced across all discipline­s. This would mean that overall staffing numbers would need to be significan­tly increased – with resulting cost implicatio­ns.

Mark Davies FRCS

Swansea SIR – I would suggest that the Government puts its own house in order over working practices before having a go at the NHS.

Most MPs have a very simple life, appear in the chamber when it suits them, adjourn to a subsidised bar and restaurant, or tell us they are meeting constituen­ts or sitting on a committee. They also have Fridays off, and let’s not talk about their long holidays.

Because of the cut-backs, doctors and nurses and the back-up personnel have no facilities during the night, nor are they allowed to claim huge expenses.

I would be delighted to meet my MP on a Sunday morning, say around 6.30. Fat chance of that happening.

Ray Williams

Chigwell, Essex

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