The Daily Telegraph

Euroscepti­cs hit back against Obama

- By Matthew Holehouse

BARACK OBAMA’S warning that Britain would be stripped of its influence if it left the European Union provoked anger among Euroscepti­cs yesterday.

The US President urged the UK, “America’s best partner”, to remain in the EU.

“Does President Obama understand that the EU is a political union and not a loose associatio­n of member states? I’m not sure,” said Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader. John Redwood, the Tory MP, said: “If letting foreign countries impose laws on you, levy taxes on you, and spend your money is such a good idea why doesn’t he create an American Union so Mexico can have common borders with the US, Cuba can spend US tax on herself, and Brazil can impose laws on the US.”

Daniel Hannan, the Tory MEP, said: “Tell you what, Barack Obama, if you’re so keen on the EU, why don’t you pay to bail out the wretched euro?”

NAIROBI went into security lockdown yesterday as Barack Obama returned to his ancestral home of Kenya for his first visit since becoming president of the United States of America.

Air Force One touched down in the Kenyan capital just after 8pm local time, and Mr Obama bounded down the steps excitedly, catching waiting photograph­ers by surprise.

He hugged the country’s president Uhuru Kenyatta, until recently on trial at the Internatio­nal Criminal Court for fomenting electoral violence in 2007, and Joan Wamaitha, an eight year-old orphan who handed him a bunch of flowers.

Also waiting on the red carpet was his Kenyan half-sister Auma who, according to his autobiogra­phy, was late to meet him during his first visit to his father’s birthplace in 1987, and drove him to her home in a clapped-out Volkswagen Beetle.

On this occasion, she was invited to join the 44th President of the United States in his armour-plated limousine for the 20-minute trip in to the city.

America’s first black president will spend two days in Kenya, speaking at a summit aimed at spurring African entreprene­urship then making a public address in a sports stadium at which he is expected to grasp the nettle of issues including gay rights, press freedom and the tendency of African leaders to overstay their welcome in office.

 ??  ?? Barack Obama arrives at Jomo Kenyatta airport, Nairobi, yesterday, for his first visit to Kenya since becoming president of the US
Barack Obama arrives at Jomo Kenyatta airport, Nairobi, yesterday, for his first visit to Kenya since becoming president of the US

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