The Daily Telegraph

Labour can rise again, but it must resist Jeremy Corbyn’s siren calls

Reheated Bennism is not the answer – the party has to show that it is on the side of aspiration­al voters


If this week’s apparent surge in support ends up propelling the radical Left-wing candidate Jeremy Corbyn to the Labour leadership, it heralds only one thing: a Labour retreat from the centre ground of British politics, with electoral oblivion inevitably following. So how did we end up at this sorry pass? Barely a few months ago, it seemed more than possible – to the Tory party leadership; to the Queen’s Private Secretary; and our leading constituti­onal seers – that Labour could well form part of an incoming coalition government. In the event, we were kiboshed by a triple whammy.

In Scotland, we were blown away by the SNP hurricane. Brilliantl­y nurtured after the referendum defeat, the allure of nationalis­m took Scottish Labour apart. Our politics simply could not compete with the seductive, selfmotiva­ting message of a nation arisen, with its representa­tives marching on Westminste­r to battle for Scotland. As it happens, a vote for the SNP did what it has always done: let in a Tory government.

In traditiona­lly Labour constituen­cies in the North and Midlands of England our vote suffered for a different reason. If once we might have dismissed Ukip as a phenomenon of the Home Counties gin-belt, the strength of the party’s support in constituen­cies such as my own in Stoke-on-Trent, or Hartlepool, or Rotherham, was worryingly apparent.

Such sympathy was very rarely about Europe – it was about communitie­s that felt left behind by the impact of globalisat­ion and speed of socio-economic change. It was also about a fragile sense of Englishnes­s, which too many voters felt that the Labour Party was not interested enough in protecting or promoting. And it was also a sign that some of the natural political affiliatio­ns the party had long thought secure – voting Labour as part of a social and cultural identity – were fraying.

Our third front comprised the swing seats of Middle England. We needed to win among the owner-occupiers, selfemploy­ed and profession­al families on new housing estates and in market towns. We needed to take Harlow and Stevenage; Broxtowe and Cannock Chase. And we came nowhere near. The Labour Party was not trusted with the public finances. Voters did not warm to Ed Miliband, and they were scared we were going to punish business. Crudely, Labour was felt not to be on the side of aspiration­al voters. We were regarded as the party of high welfare, lax immigratio­n and big spending.

The political consequenc­es of this tripartite assault were catastroph­ic, and we have been trying to pick up the pieces ever since. On the plus side, the Labour Party has learnt some early lessons. We are no longer in favour of a 50p higher tax rate; we support a referendum on our continued membership of the EU; we back the expansion of Heathrow; and we did not – despite the rebellion of some – vote against welfare reform. We have also shown where we can strongly oppose the Government. We have an alternativ­e vision when it comes to dismantlin­g the BBC; polluting our National Parks with fracking; or on abandoning the historic commitment to end child poverty. The Labour Party has also shown that it promotes enterprise above all, by voting against inheritanc­e tax breaks and instead supporting maintenanc­e grants for poor pupils to go to university.

On the down side, Labour is rapidly descending into an ideologica­l civil war. As ever within the party, there are those who think that the real problem at the election was that we were not Left wing enough. If only “Red Ed” had unleashed “proper socialism” on the people of Southampto­n and Cardiff, the argument runs, they would not have voted Tory.

Despite the obvious flaw in this logic, some party members none the less cast envious glances abroad to the populist parties of Podemos in Spain or Syriza in Greece and conclude that the solution lies with Jeremy Corbyn’s reheated Bennism. Jeremy’s message is sweet and simple: we must end austerity now, nationalis­e the railways, scrap Trident, and abolish tuition fees. For thousands of Labour men and women, traumatise­d by a second defeat, hearing the old certaintie­s about our socialist endeavour from the beautifull­y anti-technocrat­ic Corbyn is reason enough to get behind #Jezwecan.

But Corbyn’s siren calls need to be resisted on grounds of political principle as well as political pragmatism. Of course, parties win from the centre ground when they are trusted with the public finances and have credible leadership. Yet with this Government spending £36 billion a year on debt interest repayments there is a good, progressiv­e case for balancing the books rather than indulging in more reckless spending. Similarly, we should be supporting the move towards a high-pay, low-welfare economy. Our politics should be promoting effective education and skills, rather than just redistribu­tive fiscal transfers. And it is also a Labour principle, going back to the inter-war years, to believe in well-resourced Armed Forces. Labour leadership hopeful Liz Kendall has made the argument for a commitment to 2 per cent of GDP expenditur­e on defence, and rightly so.

Labour’s current travails are shared by social democratic parties across Europe, where the centre-Left has been demolished in poll after poll. We find ourselves caught between the politics of austerity and fantasy: the ratchet of Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, and the illusions of the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipiras. But Labour’s way back to relevance cannot be to slice and dice a different message to Scotland, the North, and Middle England. Instead, it has to be a credible update of our values of social justice and a commitment to equity and enterprise when the economic pressures of globalisat­ion make smart state interventi­on more essential than ever. This is not a retreat from our values. It is a question of putting our philosophy into practice. So it would be well for some socialist firebrands to remember that Labour was founded to be a governing party, not a Left-wing debating society. The politics of Jeremy Corbyn will never deliver – either for the mainstream British majority, or this great Labour movement of ours. Tristram Hunt is the shadow education secretary

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