The Daily Telegraph

Elizabeth McIntosh

American OSS agent who used letters and fortune-tellers to undermine Japanese morale


ELIZABETH MCINTOSH, who has died aged 100, was a “black propaganda” specialist for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime forerunner of the American CIA; her duty was to spread misinforma­tion among the enemy in India and China through rumours, news reports and radio broadcasts.

Fluent in Japanese and with a background in journalism, Elizabeth McIntosh was ideally placed for her work with the OSS’s Morale Operations Branch, set up by the agency’s director William “Wild Bill” Donovan in 1943. Operating first in New Delhi and later Kunming, China, she forged pamphlets and documents that gave detailed yet false accounts of Japan’s travails on the mainland.

Demoralisi­ng reports of starving and traumatise­d citizens reached troops fighting abroad by air drop and radio. She and her colleagues mocked up a government pamphlet telling soldiers the circumstan­ces under which they might surrender (Japanese soldiers being traditiona­lly honourboun­d to fight to the death).

To get the pamphlet into enemy hands in Burma, an agent was tasked with killing a Japanese courier and putting the forgery in his knapsack.

Another operation, dubbed “Project Black Mail”, targeted postcards written by Japanese soldiers to their families back home. Once Allied intelligen­ce forces had intercepte­d the cards, her team erased some of the messages and substitute­d their own fictions. The revised letters painted a bleak picture of scarce food and scant ammunition. Notes to lovers were altered to say that the author had met a new girlfriend in Burma and would not be coming home.

The work inevitably brought her close to the harsh realities of conflict. On one mission she was tasked with delivering an explosive device, disguised to look like a lump of coal, to a Chinese operative.

The agent boarded a trainand then threw the device into the engine, before jumping clear into the water below. Most of the Japanese soldiers on board were killed. “I felt very badly,” she told an interviewe­r in 2011, before reconsider­ing: “Well, not really. I was just the one who handed it to the guy who did the job.” In 1998 she published Sisterhood of

Spies, a series of intimate, interlinke­d pen portraits drawn from interviews with some of the 4,000 women who risked discovery and even loss of life in wartime intelligen­ce.

The book also paid tribute to the cohort of operators who were the “invisible apron strings” of every operation, making maps, encoding messages and filing reports. “We were so very young in those days, fighting for freedom and justice as we knew it,” Elizabeth McIntosh wrote in the prologue. “The names, the faces, are blurred with time, but not those memories of half a century ago.”

She was born Elizabeth Sebree Peet on March 1 1915 in Washington, but spent most of her childhood in Hawaii, attending the private Punahou School. After graduating from the University of Washington she became a journalist with the Scripps Howard bureau; she soon tired of writing about women’s issues, however, and longed for a job like that of her colleague Ernie Pyle, one of the country’s most celebrated war correspond­ents.

Her chance came in 1943, when an OSS official approached her at an agricultur­al show. “He didn’t say ‘spying’,” she later recalled, “but he just said, ‘more interestin­g maybe than the work you’re doing.’” Before long she was being ushered into “Q Building”, the HQ of OSS personnel. She learnt how to fire a machine gun and was given a cover story as a file clerk before being dispatched to India.

Later she was put on a flight to China alongside Julia McWilliams, who would become better known in peacetime as the celebrity chef Julia Child. While Julia went on to handle classified papers at the OSS registry, Elizabeth McIntosh began writing scripts for a “black radio station” .

One of her final tasks was to instruct a fortune-teller – whose programme was popular with soldiers – to forecast great disaster for Japan. By pure coincidenc­e, the Americans dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima on the same day that the “seer” made his pronouncem­ent.

With the war over and the OSS disbanded, Elizabeth McIntosh received a special service award from William Donovan. After a brief stint writing for fashion magazines, she worked for the State Department and the United Nations before joining the CIA. She remained there until her retirement in 1973. She never spoke in detail about this period of her life, bound as she was by secrecy laws.

Elizabeth McIntosh’s first husband was Alexander MacDonald, a journalist who served with the OSS in Thailand. That marriage ended in divorce, and after the war she married Richard Heppner, a former high-ranking official with the OSS; he died in 1958. Her third husband was Frederick McIntosh, who predecease­d her in 2004 after 42 years of marriage. There were no children.

Elizabeth McIntosh, born March 1 1915, died June 8 2015

 ??  ?? Elizabeth McIntosh in Kunming, China, during the Second World War: she was sent to China with the future celebrity chef Julia Childs
Elizabeth McIntosh in Kunming, China, during the Second World War: she was sent to China with the future celebrity chef Julia Childs

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