The Daily Telegraph

Government gives green light to extend badger cull into Dorset


More than 2,000 badgers could be culled as the scheme to eradicate tuberculos­is in cattle is rolled out into Dorset, the Government has announced.

Farmers in Dorset have been granted a licence to shoot badgers after culls were piloted for the past two years in Gloucester­shire and Somerset.

Official estimates predict up to 2,038 badgers will be removed from across the three cull areas this year.

Liz Truss, the Environmen­t Secretary, vowed after the general election to push ahead with the culls despite criticism from protest groups.

Official figures have revealed it cost more than £3,300 to kill each badger during the two cull pilots carried out in 2014.

The culls have been criticised for missing their targets and protesters say they are cruel.

But farmers have insisted that the cull must be extended to halt the spread of bovine tuberculos­is.

More than 32,000 cattle have to be slaughtere­d every year because of tuberculos­is, and ministers are concerned that it continues to spread despite strict environmen­tal controls.

The farmers have been granted a licence by Natural England and the culls will take place in the autumn.

George Eustice, farming minister, said: “England has the highest incidence of TB in Europe and that is why we are taking strong action to deliver our 25-year strategy to eradicate the disease and protect the future of our dairy and beef industries.”

Dr Toni Shephard, from the League Against Cruel Sports, said: “Even if badgers play some small role in spreading bovine tuberculos­is, the perturbati­on caused by culling will simply lead to an increase in [the disease] in other areas.”

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