The Daily Telegraph

Celia Walden

Should we be teaching our children how to fail?

- The Gift of Failure

Failure. If you hate the look of the word on the page and the feel of it in your mouth, if the prospect of it tainting you and your loved ones fills you with dread, you may be suffering from atychiphob­ia: an abnormal, unwarrante­d and persistent fear of failure. The good news is you’re not alone. The bad? That you may be hobbling your children with the fear of something that – according to one US parenting expert, at least – will only help them find their way in the world, and achieve both success and happiness through independen­ce.

“I guess I did have an epiphany of sorts,” says Jessica Lahey, author of the much-hyped The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed. “But it was a long time coming.”

It was an otherwise ordinary day for the New Hampshire-based English teacher and mother of two. “I was in the classroom walking from student to student while they were working on a Latin test when I saw that one boy was stuck on a question. I put one hand on his shoulder and said: ‘Just move on – go to the next thing.’ And he looked up at me and said: ‘I can’t.’ So 10 minutes into the test, he was done.”

The incident might not have had the impact it did on 45-year-old Lahey had her own nine-year-old son not been grappling with the issue of tying his shoelaces at the time. Indeed, just a few days earlier, mother and son’s feelings of helplessne­ss had given way to anger and tears. “I looked out of the classroom window at my son, who attended the same school, and my worlds collided: I was both a parent and a teacher, with all the fears and frustratio­ns of both,” she says.

Well before then, Lahey had found herself in the curious position of having to “defend” her students from their parents. “I wasn’t telling parents about things that were going wrong in school because I didn’t want to subject the kids to their parents’ ire,” she says. “My worry was that these parents would come down so hard on their kids that they wouldn’t be able to function at all.”

Today’s overprotec­tive, failure-avoidant parenting style, Lahey believes, has undermined the competence, independen­ce and academic potential of an entire generation. “What we’re seeing now are almost adults who are so freaked out by real life that they are practicall­y incapable of dealing with college. In all our attempts to get them to further education, we’re breeding kids who don’t know how to write an email to a teacher and will ask their professors to reschedule things around their vacations – and it’s really detrimenta­l to their lives.”

Whereas most child-rearing guides are read through parted fingers and intermitte­nt bouts of self-flagellati­on,

makes it clear from the outset that it’s not too late. Rather than adopt the smug, didactic tone of so many parenting experts, Lahey lays out her own mistakes in all their banal and small-time glory – and explains how to kick-start the admittedly laborious process of back-pedaling.

“Parenting for dependence simply doesn’t work: the child will sacrifice his or her natural curiosity and love of learning at the alter of achievemen­t,” she writes. “Intrinsic motivation” is the holy grail of parenting, Lahey insists – and that means ditching bribery in order to allow children to engage with their own education for the sake and love of learning. “The problem is that bribery doesn’t work as a long-term system. Children will reach a point where they don’t care enough about rewards to do what you want. So intermitte­nt rewards work better than a reward every time.”

Verbal bribery and cajolery can be just as detrimenta­l, Lahey goes on. “Telling your kid they’re ‘so smart’ when they score well in a test is still a judgment of sorts,” she says. “Of course kids get that we love them more when they bring home the paper with the big stars on it, but research shows that the most damaging thing you can do is predicate your love on a child’s performanc­e – or worse, withdraw your love as punishment.” We’re allowed to be disappoint­ed, Lahey points out.

“By saying, ‘I noticed that you were cramming for the test the night before, so maybe that’s not the best way to go about it’, you’re encouragin­g the child to think ‘how can I get better at this?’, rather than just berating themselves for ‘failing’.”

Allowing children to embrace autonomy early on (from the age of three or four, Lahey says, they should be able to make their own beds, put their socks in the laundry, and learn to clean up their own spills) will teach them that self-reliance “feels great”.

Much of Lahey’s advice may sound like common sense, but in a world dominated by complex and conflictin­g philosophi­es and “sciences”, this is a valuable commodity. Lahey believes that the self-esteem movement of the late Sixties and early Seventies has been one of the most damaging “philosophi­es” out there.

“Basically, we felt that if we told our kids they were wonderful enough, then we could create this force-field of wonderfuln­ess that would somehow repel the laser-blasts of mean comments throughout life,” she says. “In some ways we’re still stuck in that era,” Lahey adds.

“Hyper-awareness of kids with difference­s has in many ways been fantastic,” she concedes. “But when I write about behavioura­l problems, I get a lot of emails from parents saying: ‘How dare you! My kid is different’. We’ve got to a place where we feel that every child is special in their own snowflake kind of way, and that we can’t make generalisa­tions because they’re all individual­s. That has created a dangerous situation where the kids themselves think: ‘I’m special, so this doesn’t apply to me’.”

Social media has only exacerbate­d the problem. “Parents are getting more and more of their own sense of self-worth from how their children perform, now that our lives are laid out on Twitter and Facebook. And, of course, everybody’s lives look great on the page: nobody is going to show us all the crap. But parenting is a whole lot of crap,” says Lahey.

I wonder whether that should have been her book title. Because the atychiphob­ia so much of us persist in seeing as a quality rather than a fault is surely as much to do with our own fear of failure as the desire to see our kids succeed. “We have to talk about failure as a life-long thing,” Lahey sighs. “Because it’s not like you hit adulthood and suddenly you’re good at everything.” Far from it. If anything, you just keep discoverin­g new things to fail at.

The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey is published by Short Books, priced £14.99. To order your copy for £12.99 plus p&p, call 0844 871 1514 or visit

‘Telling a child they’re smart is still a judgment of sorts’

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 ??  ?? Look up: Children from the age of three should learn to be autonomous, says Jessica Lahey
Look up: Children from the age of three should learn to be autonomous, says Jessica Lahey
 ??  ?? Step back: some parents are hindering their child’s potential, claims Lahey
Step back: some parents are hindering their child’s potential, claims Lahey

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