The Daily Telegraph

McDonald’s sex couple ‘gave in to animal lust’


A COUPLE who had sex while they waited at a McDonald’s drive-thru were yesterday accused by a judge of turning their car into a “human zoo”.

Lisa Gray and Rhys Higgins were told that their “animalisti­c lust” had caused them to abandon any sense of “dignity and self respect”.

Swansea Crown Court heard that the couple’s behaviour outside a serving window at the fast food chain’s outlet in Morriston had disgusted staff.

Craig Jones, prosecutin­g, told the court: “After ordering their food it was clear to employees that both Gray and Higgins were under the influence of drink and the manager straight away phoned the police.”

The incident took place at 4.30am and the court heard that during a delay producing their meal they were seen embracing and kissing.

Gray, 28, then performed “with encouragem­ent” a sex act on Higgins. Mr Jones added that she then lent out of the window “before Higgins ends up virtually on top of her”. Gray later told police she was brushing spilt cigarette ash off her as well as looking for dropped coins on the passenger floor.

Restaurant staff handed over CCTV footage and the pair pleaded guilty to outraging public decency.

In mitigation, John Hipkin, for Gray, said his client was deeply ashamed of her actions on May 6. “They have had devastatin­g consequenc­es for her,” he added.

David Singh, for Higgins, said his client, who was out on licence from prison for drugs offences, had been recalled to jail for 28 days

The court also heard that Gray was only just below the drink drive limit.

Following early guilty pleas from both defendants, Judge Paul Thomas gave both defendants a fourmonth jail sentence suspended for a year.

He added: “No doubt the adverse publicity in the case will have also prompted public ridicule and disgust.

Gray, of Pentrechwy­th, will also be subject to a 9pm to 7am curfew for four months.

Higgins, of Ravenhill, was handed a 35-day rehabilita­tion order and must attend five alcohol activity sessions. Both defendants will have to pay £900 in court costs.

Gray and Higgins declined to comment as they left court.

 ??  ?? Lisa Gray and Rhys Higgins were told by the judge they had abandoned any self respect
Lisa Gray and Rhys Higgins were told by the judge they had abandoned any self respect

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