The Daily Telegraph

Yes, women come in all shapes, sizes – and ages


Shock! Horror! Kate Moss has got older! How would we ever have known this had she not teamed up this week with Cara Delevingne to promote a high-street clothing brand?

Delevingne, in common with every other human on the planet, is also getting older by the minute, but as she is only 23, to Moss’s totally ancient 42, this is not seen as an issue.

Struck by the difference­s between a girl in her early twenties and a woman in her forties, one newspaper decided to print two whole pages yesterday on how Ms Moss was proof you ended up with the face you deserved. Such cruelty was hardly surprising. Women are forever being pitted against each other in an attempt to prove… what? That we are inherently a word that rhymes with riches but isn’t witches?

This week the Office for National Statistics revealed that for the first time since records began, more babies were being born to women over 35 than under 25, causing a flurry of ‘‘is it better to be an older or a younger mum?’’ articles. See also: stay at home mothers and working mothers, who by all accounts are doing daily battle at the school gates. And that’s not to mention the alleged chasm between all those women who have children and those who don’t.

Categories are very useful to marketeers; not so much to the people placed in them.

Can’t we just accept that, like men, women are many and varied?

No wonder there is still not equality between the sexes, when we don’t even have equality

within them.

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