The Daily Telegraph




Most people’s biggest assets are their home, their pension and then other investment­s held inside individual savings accounts. Any increase in the value of these is free of capital gains tax.

Assets that are not your main home, and investment­s held outside Isas or pensions, on the other hand, are likely to attract CGT if they are sold at a profit. Everyone has an individual annual CGT allowance, currently £11,100.

That allowance, if used judiciousl­y (to sell investment­s in tranches, for example, across several tax years), is a useful planning tool.

That spouses can give each other assets without triggering a taxable gain is also helpful, because it means couples’ individual allowances can be used effectivel­y.

Above that allowance gains are taxed according to your income tax rate: basic-rate payers pay CGT at 18 per cent; higher- and additional-rate taxpayers pay 28 per cent.

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