The Daily Telegraph

Rootin’, tootin’ remedies for a new America


Sarah Palin dominated the news in America this week with a remarkable speech endorsing Donald Trump for president. The darling of the Republican Right had exploded back on to the political scene.

Today, writing exclusivel­y in the Telegraph, Mrs Palin reveals her five steps to Make America Great Again. 1. Guns We’ve all got the right to bear arms – every man, woman and child. And we’ve got to doggone defend it. It’s like Jesus says in the Bible. “Thou shalt pump thy neighbour with goddamn lead at the slightest provocatio­n.”

Jesus Himself packed an AR15 assault rifle and a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum. Unfortunat­ely He didn’t have them on Him the day the Romans came to nail Him to the cross, otherwise He’d sure as hell have blown their asses off.

I think that’s an important lesson for us all. 2. Immigratio­n It’s time we got off our knees and shut those borders. Because let me tell you something: America was not built on cheap foreign labour.

What are we scared of? You think our forefather­s were scared, when all those Red Indians came over here from England on the

Mayflower to try and steal their land?

Doggone right they weren’t. They stood up for their country, and drove those murdering invaders back into the sea. 3. Terrorism Let’s tell it like it is: we got to stop these Muslims. I do not want to see America overrun with dangerous religious maniacs. And if you disagree, I swear to God I’ll blow your rootin’ tootin’ head off.

No more pussy-footing around – we got to keep the Muslims out of our great nation. You want to know how?

Donald J Trump, the next president of the United States, said he’ll build a wall on the Mexican border. I say we go one further. Let’s build a wall in the sea as well. Both sides. And in case they try coming in by airplane – stick a roof over America too. 4. Respect our vets The other day I passed this guy sleeping rough in the street. He was a mess. “Hey, lady,” he said, “can you spare a dime? I’m a vet.” It broke my heart. What has gone wrong with our great nation, when we can’t find even work for trained animal surgeons? 5. Vote Donald J Trump America need a president who understand­s the working man. And that’s Donald J Trump.

Like the rest of us Joe SixPacks, he knows what it’s like to work your way up from the bottom with nothing but a $40 million inheritanc­e to your name.

If anyone’s going to shake up the US establishm­ent, it’s a property billionair­e living in a 68-storey skyscraper in New York.

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No more pussy-footing
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