The Daily Telegraph

EU deal not enough, says PM

- By Matthew Holehouse in Brussels and Peter Foster

DAVID CAMERON has warned Jean-Claude Juncker that the deal being offered to Britain ahead of the EU referendum is “not good enough”, as it emerged he has been forced to back down on a pledge to stop migrants sending benefits abroad.

The Prime Minister held “difficult” talks with Mr Juncker in Brussels yesterday and warned him that the renegotiat­ion package on the table falls well short of his expectatio­ns. He told the European Commission president that his suggestion of an “emergency brake”, allowing the UK Government to ban migrants’ access to benefits only during a major influx of foreigners, would be unacceptab­le to the British people.

Downing Street now has just two days to find a draft deal with Donald Tusk, the European Council president, if they want a summer referendum.

Mr Tusk will dine with the Prime Minister in Downing Street tomorrow

David Cameron, Jean-Claude Juncker and nine aides lunch on lobster and turbot in Brussels. The Prime Minister says the brake offer is “not good enough”.

Sunday Jan 31 Donald Tusk, the European Council president, will dine in Downing Street as he and Mr Cameron attempt to draft a final text containing detailed policies.

Monday or

Tuesday The text is sent to 27 other EU leaders and senior MEPs. Friday Feb 5 Senior diplomats from each nation – known as sherpas – will meet in Brussels for the first of a series of drafting sessions. Thursday Feb 18 The European Council summit is held in Brussels, where it is thought a deal could be struck.

Thursday June 23 The likely date of a referendum, if a deal is secured in February.

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