The Daily Telegraph

Gordon Goody

‘Quartermas­ter’ of the Great Train Robbery who later named the shadowy fixer behind the crime


GORDON GOODY, who has died aged 85, was regarded as one of the mastermind­s behind the Great Train Robbery of 1963, popularly reckoned the “crime of the 20th century”. Given an exemplary sentence of 30 years’ imprisonme­nt for his part in the robbery, Goody served less than half that, and spent his later years living in Spain.

He was credited with being deputy to the gang’s leader, Bruce Reynolds, but the vainglorio­us Goody took exception to being so described, complainin­g in his memoir How To

Rob a Train (2014) that “I wasn’t number two to anybody”. One of the detectives on the case described him as being the “brilliant quartermas­ter” who ensured that all the equipment, vehicles and personnel were in place.

More than half a century after the spectacula­r crime – the haul would have been worth nearly £50 million today – Goody appeared on television to name the man said to have been behind it but who eluded capture.

Known only as “Mickey” or, more sinisterly, the Ulsterman, this shadowy figure had inside informatio­n about the supposedly secret Royal Mail trains that in 1963 were being used to carry large sums of money between Glasgow and London each night.

According to Goody, he first heard about the robbery plan from a corrupt solicitor’s clerk, Brian Field, who said a Northern Ireland man had a plan for a perfect robbery. When Field arranged for Goody to meet the mysterious Mickey, the pair bonded over the fact that Goody had spent much of his childhood in Co Tyrone. They met three times, the Ulsterman feeding Goody a little more informatio­n each time. He and Ronald “Buster” Edwards were the only gang members to meet the anonymous “fixer”.

The Ulsterman had a friend – a postal worker – who had given him details about train timetables and security. It seemed that at holiday times – the robbery took place in high summer – a typical haul might be in the region of £6 million in used banknotes, and a well-organised gang could “liberate” it. Goody took the idea to Bruce Reynolds, who set about planning the crime.

At 3am on August 8, the night of the raid, Goody was “the first one in when it [the train] stopped. Buster [Edwards] was on the other side trying to get in the cab and the driver [Jack] Mills was trying to kick him down, so I came behind him and … pushed him back to someone behind me. Two, three or four were coming up behind me.”

Once they had fled the robbery scene – the remote Bridego Bridge in Buckingham­shire – Goody handed the man his share of the proceeds of the £2.6m robbery, around £150,000, and never saw him again. Brian Field died in 1979 and Edwards in 1994, leaving Goody the only living person who knew the Ulsterman’s identity.

In September 2014 Goody finally named the mystery figure as Patrick McKenna, a postal worker born in Belfast but who lived in Manchester. According to Goody, McKenna, now long dead, never spent his share of the robbery haul and remains the only one of the 17 criminals with a full share of the stolen money to get away with it. Goody indicated that, half a century having elapsed, there was no longer any reason to keep “Mickey’s” real name secret.

Douglas Gordon Goody was born on March 11 1930 in Oxford into a lawabiding family but brought up in rural Co Tyrone, where he had a “very bad education” in a single-classroom school with a teacher he described as a “brutal pig”. He returned to London at the end of the Blitz, and in the 1950s received 12 strokes of the birch for the street mugging of a gay man – “not a part of my life that I’m proud of ”, he admitted.

As a National Serviceman, Goody was posted to the Royal Artillery, and learnt “a fair amount about explosives, another attribute that would stand me in good stead in later life”. He was discharged in 1952 in the rank of sergeant. The following year he signed on with P&O as a cabin steward, but in 1956 was sentenced to three years’ imprisonme­nt for a series of burglaries at jewellers’ shops. Three days after his release, he and a safecracke­r he had met in Wandsworth prison blew a safe at a dairy in Chiswick and escaped with £1,900. By the early 1960s Goody had bought himself a share in a hairdressi­ng salon in Fulham, and was living the high life in handmade shirts, suits and shoes on the proceeds of a full-time career of crime. Nor did corporal punishment have much effect, Goody graduating from breaking and entering to using skeleton keys, safe-breaking and, in November 1962, a daring robbery at Heathrow airport that became known as the “City gent” job.

With Bruce Reynolds, “Buster” Edwards, Charlie Wilson and Roy James, Goody stole the contents of a cash van and escaped with £62,000. But one of the getaway drivers was recognised, and police arrested the rest of the gang. When Goody and Wilson were picked out of an identity parade, Goody realised the game was up. “I knew I had no choice but to get to one of the jurors,” he said later. Goody followed one home, found he was a former prisoner, and bribed him to vote for an acquittal (a unanimous verdict then being required in criminal trials).

At his subsequent retrial, Goody bribed a “bent copper” to steal the hat he had been wearing on the Heathrow robbery and replace it with one three sizes bigger. “When they made me try the hat on in court, it covered my eyes and nose. It was clear that I couldn’t have been the one wearing the hat. The jury came back with a not guilty pretty quick.”

One of Goody’s legal team was Brian Field, a solicitor’s clerk, who passed him the details of the night mail trains on the Glasgow to London run. It was Field who arranged for Goody to meet the contact known as the Ulsterman.

Goody estimated that robbing the night mail would require only eight people, “but the problem was how to stop the train”. A friend of “Buster” Edwards, Roger Cordrey, an electricia­n and a member of a South London “firm” of villains that specialise­d in robbing trains, was recruited, but on condition that their entire gang was included on the job. On the night, Cordrey stopped the train simply by placing a glove over the green lens of the signal and attaching four six-volt batteries to the red bulb.

At Leathersla­de Farm, the hideout used by the gang to divide the money after the robbery, police later discovered fingerprin­ts that led to the arrest of Goody and others. Goody had worn two pairs of gloves, and although the gang had paid someone to clean up the farm after they had left, they failed to cover their tracks. He was eventually arrested in Leicester.

According to detectives, traces of yellow paint found on a pair of shoes at Goody’s home matched paint found at the farm. But Goody later claimed the police, unable to prove he was there, had planted the evidence, because they were not the shoes he had worn in the course of the robbery. At his trial, experts admitted that while the paint on Goody’s shoes was similar, it was not an exact match.

On conviction, Goody was sentenced to 30 years. But in August 1965, police uncovered a plan to spring him from Strangeway­s Prison, Manchester. Later that year, he was transferre­d to Leicester Prison, and then to Durham, where he was considered such an escape risk that the Army was drafted in to guard him. Transferre­d to a high-security unit at Parkhurst prison on the Isle of Wight, Goody finished his sentence at Wormwood Scrubs where he taught himself Spanish.

From prison, Goody sued the People newspaper for suggesting he had “coerced an innocent and decent young woman” into taking part in the robbery. He won the case and was awarded £2 in damages.

Paroled at Christmas 1975, when he was 45, Goody returned to live with his sick mother at her small cottage in Putney. Unlike the other robbers, he was able to live relatively comfortabl­y, although he complained that his share of the robbery money had been plundered by underworld “friends”.

Goody later moved to Mojacar in Spain, where he bought a house and ran a bar, believing it safer to live abroad. In 1986 he was arrested on suspicion of smuggling £100,000 worth of cannabis to Britain, but subsequent­ly cleared.

Gordon Goody’s Spanish partner of 30 years, Maria, survives him.

Gordon Goody, born March 11 1930, died January 29 2016

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Goody, right, and, far right, after being charged: he ensured that the equipment, vehicles and personnel were in place for the robbery; above: the train is inspected by detectives
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