The Daily Telegraph

‘Don’t let the referendum tear the Tory party apart’

William Hague After the vote, the country will need us more

- WILLIAM HAGUE COMMENT on William Hague’s view at telegraph. or FOLLOW him on Twitter @WilliamJHa­gue

Recent headlines have told vividly the story of a party riven by different views on Europe – “Cabinet rebels”, “MPs defy Cameron”, and “Boris for Brexit”. Not since the fierce disagreeme­nts over the euro in the 1990s have Conservati­ves so strongly opposed each other in public on a fundamenta­l issue. The party is more evenly divided than it ever was then.

I have already argued on these pages that a serious division on such an issue is natural in a conservati­ve party, with its instincts for nationhood, pragmatism and open trade pulling its members and leaders in both directions. Many have found deciding which side to support to be agonising, and have come down one way or the other by a very narrow margin.

There will now be a fierce and hardfought campaign. Polls will swing wildly and, bizarrely after last year’s debacle at the election, still be taken seriously by commentato­rs and stock markets. Utterly contradict­ory statements about the economy and our national security will be made by members of the same government.

Yet in four months it will all be over. The British people will be voting. They will do so with their customary common sense and realism as they always do – a view to which I still subscribe despite having sometimes been on the wrong end of that realism. As they go bleary-eyed back to work on June 24, will leading Conservati­ves still all be able to work together?

Clearly, we have to hope so. For, quite apart from having a national referendum of immense significan­ce, Britain’s political system is currently in a rare and extraordin­ary situation. At this moment and for the foreseeabl­e future no other party is viable as a government.

The Liberal Democrats will take time to recover from the embrace of death in which we held them so fondly. Ukip is a pressure group, not a potential Cabinet. The SNP seeks to destroy the country, not lead it.

Labour, for nearly a century the realistic alternativ­e to the Tories, is turning itself into a hard-Left organisati­on with security policies so laughable and economic instincts so destructiv­e that its election to power would be catastroph­ic for the country.

So, just at the point when Conservati­ves are most divided they also have their greatest responsibi­lity in decades: if they fail to win the next general election the national consequenc­es would be grave indeed.

That responsibi­lity will be even greater as the dust settles on the referendum result. It is the Tory party that has given the British people their opportunit­y to vote, and every member should therefore be clear that the outcome is final. With all respect to Ireland, which had a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty to get the “right” result, we are a much bigger country. When our electorate decides something, that’s it.

That means that if the result is that we stay, the whole Government will have to make the most of relations with European countries and the new rules the Prime Minister negotiated. And if the people say we leave, it is the Conservati­ve Government that embarks on the vast task of calming markets, keeping the UK together, drafting thousands of new laws to replace EU rules, and negotiatin­g trade deals with the EU and much of the rest of the world.

It is therefore vital for the country’s sake that ministers do nothing to prevent themselves working as productive­ly together as they have done for the past six years throughout and after this referendum campaign.

Politician­s can sometimes surprise people with their ability to fall out and do business with each other simultaneo­usly. I have taken part in several party leadership elections where those who promised their votes to all sides were found out because campaign managers shared their notes with each other as soon as the votes were cast. Quite often, candidates for leadership have formed strong working relationsh­ips afterwards, as Margaret Thatcher and Willie Whitelaw showed.

But equally, a sustained battle within a party can open wounds that take a generation to heal. Just look at Blair and Brown and the wreckage they left behind. What can Conservati­ves do to avoid that fate?

First, they should campaign in their spare time and keep on governing every day as the taxpayer who pays them expects them to do. The flow of policy and announceme­nts on other subjects should not stop. Around the globe, people now acknowledg­e that the UK is delivering the best performanc­e of the advanced economies. There’s a big Budget coming up and Conservati­ves all need to get behind it.

Second, they should praise each other’s achievemen­ts, which are often considerab­le, even when they are opposing each other. I know from experience that this can be difficult when you momentaril­y want to throttle your colleagues – and since I do judo I really could have throttled them – but the armoury of a successful politician includes iron self-control.

Third, it should be understood that there will continue to be a place in the Cabinet for ministers on both sides of this argument, but not for those who stooped to personal attacks or stoked a feud. So even if the result is to stay in the EU, the talented minister who argued eloquently for leaving should know he or she will have a good job in the Cabinet; the minister who criticised their colleagues should know their future role is being the new special representa­tive to warlords in the Khyber Pass.

Fourth, Conservati­ves ought to remember, and occasional­ly point out, that at least their party does represent the national dilemma and debate on EU membership. MPs in other major parties seem to have stopped thinking about Europe. Not a single initiative on this subject has emerged from them in years.

My final point may seem one of detail, but I suggest it bearing in mind that even elected representa­tives are human. At key moments in the past 20 years, Tory MPs have gone off together for “bonding sessions”. They should do that in July, when they can sit at the bar with tales of the battles they fought against each other, cordially reunited. And they can do so bearing in mind that they represent our governing party, and one to which there is absolutely no alternativ­e.

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