The Daily Telegraph

An Out vote means Brexit, Boris – not talks on a new deal

The EU rules are crystal clear: a referendum vote to get out would mean Brexit, not talks on a new deal

- Alan Renwick

Boris Johnson has set out his position for the European Union referendum: he will campaign for Vote Leave. But his position on Brexit itself remains rather ambiguous.

Nowhere in his Telegraph article yesterday did he say that we should actually leave the EU. He said only that we should vote to leave. Then, he says, we should push for a better deal. “There is only one way to get the change we need,” he contends, “and that is to vote to go.”

There are two interpreta­tions of this. One is that he wants not Brexit, but a deeper renegotiat­ion of Britain’s EU membership. This is a return to an idea that he floated last summer: We vote against membership on the current term then, rather than leaving, we negotiate a better deal. And after that we have a second referendum to endorse this improved offer.

The other interpreta­tion is that he wants to keep the decision about Brexit on hold until we can see the terms on offer: we vote to leave, then we negotiate the terms of exit, then we hold a second referendum to decide whether we accept those terms or opt to stay in the EU after all.

Both scenarios sound nice. The trouble is, both are implausibl­e.

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty sets out a procedure for what happens if an EU member declares the intention to leave. It says that a negotiatio­n takes place between the departing state and the rest of the EU to determine the terms of departure. Those negotiatio­ns have up to two years. If, after that time, no deal has been struck, the departing state’s EU membership automatica­lly ceases, unless the member states vote unanimousl­y to prolong the talks. Negotiatio­n of better membership terms is not an option.

That’s what the treaty says. Some might respond that what matters is the politics: the other 27 states all want the UK to stay in, so they would find a way to fudge the rules to let that happen.

Well, perhaps. But let’s just think it through. One idea is that the Prime Minister might not actually trigger Article 50 in the event of a referendum vote to leave. He might say that he thinks British voters didn’t really mean it when they voted, and that he will go back to Brussels to seek a middle way.

But that is politicall­y untenable. The options in the referendum are to remain or to leave – not to try again. Most Leave campaigner­s – including perhaps the majority of Conservati­ve activists – genuinely want to leave. Failure on the part of the Prime Minister to act upon the expressed will of the people would cause uproar.

So in the event of a Leave vote, the Prime Minister must trigger Article 50.

That leaves an alternativ­e scenario: the prime minister triggers Article 50 and formally declares the UK’s intention to leave, but then he works with his fellow EU leaders not on Brexit terms, but on improved membership terms.

One problem with this is legal: once a member state has declared its intention to leave, there is no mechanism to withdraw that declaratio­n and prevent exit. Maybe the courts would think such a mechanism is implied – but we don’t know. If not, we would depend on perpetual extensions of the two-year post-declaratio­n membership window – which, remember, can at any time be vetoed by a single member-state.

This gets to another political problem: the two-year limit and the requiremen­t for unanimity to extend that limit make the UK’s negotiatin­g position in this scenario very weak.

And if our membership lapses with no deal done, we are obliged under World Trade Organisati­on rules immediatel­y to impose tariffs on our trade with EU countries. That harms us much more than it harms many of those countries. There is no guarantee in this situation that the UK could strike a better deal at all.

The same problems apply to the idea of choosing at a second referendum between the negotiated Brexit terms and continued membership. The UK has no clear legal right to reverse its initial decision. A way of fudging that might be found. But it would require unanimous support of the 27, which squeezes the UK’s power to bargain for a decent deal.

In short, a vote to leave is a vote to leave. Anyone who says otherwise is playing with fire.

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